
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Touting a Teen Business

You already know I love teenagers.  (Well, most teenagers.)  And the gang at Write On! is top-notch!

Taryn, teen extraordinaire, is on staff over there; she helps run the chats.  She's also one of my beta readers.  So I was pleased to learn that she's launched her own editing business, and wanted to let you all know about it:

Teen Eyes is the editorial service for your YA manuscript. We bring a dual perspective that your critique partners and beta readers may not have: we are the age demographic of your future target audience--teens--as well as experienced writers ourselves. Kate Coursey is represented by Edward Necarsulmer, head of the children's department at MacIntosh and Otis, and her manuscript LIKE CLOCKWORK is undergoing revisions with Scholastic. Taryn Albright is a querying author with eleven manuscripts written and experience in the publishing world as a lit agency intern. Both are avid readers of every genre, and we pride ourselves on our quick turnaround on submitted manuscripts. To read more about our services, GO HERE.

Yay, Taryn!

And here's my personal blurb:  Taryn beta-read my manuscript in record time, and her notes were clear and helpful.  I was also impressed by the maturity of her editorial insight.  That, and she's simply a delight to "be around." I would love to have her read my work any time!


  1. Wow. Thanks for the recommendation. They sound like two exceptional teenagers.

  2. They do everything but sleep, apparently. ;)

    It sounds like anyone would be lucky to have editors like this. Good luck, Kate and Taryn!

  3. Just checked out their site, and I must say, they are a BARGAIN. I wouldn't be surprised if those prices go up in the near future:)

    I've met Kate in person, and she is on top of her game. Not only did her manuscript pull in multiple offers, but she spent the summer interning at Scholastic (which was code for sitting-at-a-desk-and-working-on-her-manuscript-while-Scholastic-supervised). Anyone would be lucky to have her as a reader.

  4. I'm very impressed! If i ever write a YA manuscript I'll know just who to go to for help.

    I have to give a high 5 to Kate because we're agency sistahs! Woot! Hurray for M&O, an awesome lit agency. My agent is VP Elizabeth Winick Rubenstein and she's fantastic. The agency is a well-oiled machine with tons of experience behind it. Highly recommended.

  5. This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  6. Wow! Thanks for letting us know about Kate and Taryn. I'm at the revision stage of my first novel (YA). Their services sound like they are exactly what the doctor ordered.

  7. Thank you for sharing. I contacted them yesterday and will have my MS on the way in the next few days. just have to make another look-through before I send. I'm so excited to have Taryn's help.

  8. Very helpful! Bookmarked their site for when I'm ready for another round of beta reading. Thanks for posting!!

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