
Monday, October 3, 2011

The 2nd Annual Baker's Dozen All-Star Line-up!

Our list is official, and I'm pleased to announce this year's sparkling array of agents.

The 2011 Baker's Dozen Agent Auction participating agents:

1. Laura Bradford (Bradford Literary)
2. Danielle Chiotti (Upstart Crow)
3. Sarah Davies (Greenhouse Literary)
4. Josh Getzler (Hannigan Salky Getzler)
5. Weronika Janczuk (Franklin and Siegal)
6. Melissa Jeglinski (Knight Agency)
7. Sarah LaPolla (Curtis Brown)
8. Jennifer Laughran (Andrea Brown)
9. Lauren MacLeod (Strothman Agency)
10. Victoria Marini (Gelfman Schneider)
11. Ammi-Joan Paquette (Erin Murphy)
12. Tamar Rydzinski (Laura Dail)
13. Kari Stuart (ICM Talent)
14. Danielle Svetcov (Levine Greenberg)
15. Michelle Wolfson (Wolfson Literary)

In addition to being on the auction block, all 60 entries will receive critique from an editor and a published author.

The Editors:

Gabrielle Harbowy of Dragon Moon Press, adult

Sarah Shumway of Katherine Tegen Books (Harper Collins), YA/MG

The Authors:

Nancy Bilyeau, author of THE CROWN, a historical thriller set in Tudor England, to be published by Simon and Schuster's Touchstone in January 2012, and six foreign countries. adult

Amanda Sun, author of INK WASH, the first in a YA paranormal series set in Japan, debuting in late 2012 by Harlequin Teen. YA/MG

And of course all the entries will also be open to critique by our entire blog community as well.

Let's have a huge round applause for this magnificent collection of talent and energy!

Tomorrow:  Submissions for our second logline crit round.  Later this week:  The Official Rules of Engagement for the Baker's Dozen (which will hopefully answer all your unanswered questions).


  1. Great job, Authoress!

    And good luck to everyone!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading & critiquing!


  3. Eeeek!


    I'm pretty much overwhelmed by the greatness of this list. SO NERVOUS to enter now!!!

    Amazing work, Authoress, as always.

  4. This is so awesome! That is one amazing list. :D

  5. What a line-up! This is going to be amazing. I'm going to have fun watching it unfold!

  6. Oh my. What a list! I was planning to query many of these agents. Just hope I'm up to snuff when Authoress goes through her slush pile. :)

  7. Wow - this list is great! Thanks for all your hard work so far.

  8. Wow! And yikes! *frantically starts scribbling a log-line*

  9. Exciting stuff!! Looking forward to this (nervously I might add :) Thanks for all the work that's going into this amazing opportunity.

  10. Please pardon the nervous twittering in the corner. It's just my nerves...they're all aflutter.

    Can't wait to be a part of this.

  11. WOW! What a FANTASTIC list.

    Great job and much applause to Authoress for putting this together.

  12. Tremendous! Thanks, Authoress!!

  13. Ooh wow. That is an awesome list! Thank you!

  14. This is an amazing list Authoress! Thank you so very very much for all of your hard work over the years- you've made an impact in far more lives than you know :).

  15. YAY!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! A totally AWE-INSPIRING list, Authoress! THANK YOU n' GOD BLESS YOU for this website, n' for the opportunity for all writers everywhere to be supported n' to be part of all this!

  16. Squeakfaint indeed. That's a jaw-dropping lineup ya got there!

  17. Eep! Awesome list, and so exciting ^_^ Would a fan-girl squee be appropriate right now? SQUEEE!

  18. clap
    clap clap
    clap clap
    clap clap
    clap clap
    clap clap

    Here's a round of applause for such amazingness.

  19. OK - the formatting messed up. In that last comment the 'clap's actually formed a circle. Now it just looks and sounds lame. ;P

  20. Huge thanks and best of luck to all who are participating :-)

  21. EEEEEK! That list is as intimidating as it is fantastic. Great job, Authoress!!

    By the way, what time will the Logline submissions be open for tomorrow?

  22. Eek, exciting list! You have worked hard =]

  23. TKastle -- awww! I can imagine it, though!

    Julianna -- 9 to 5 EDT.

  24. Superstar Lineup! Super excited.
