
Monday, October 24, 2011

Another Slew of Winners

And here are this month's winners, straight from the agent's mouth:

Thank you so much for having me. This really was an excellent batch of pages; I was deeply impressed. I tried to be blunt in my responses in hopes that it would be helpful, but truly, I don't think I came across a single one I would have called bad. It's so much a matter of personal preference, but I thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to consider their work.


10, I'm Game
19, Saving Andromeda
22, Defying Instinct
28, Iron and Rust
33, Gladys Gatsby Takes the Cake

THE PRIZE: I’d like to see a query, synopsis, and the first 25 pages from each.


7, Megaland
8, Electrona, Huntress of the Dark
12, Wicked Spirits

THE PRIZE: I’d like to see a query, synopsis, and the first 50 pages from each.


9, Lament the Blade
50, Girl Under Glass

THE PRIZE: I’d like to see a query, synopsis, and the full manuscript from each.

Congratulations, everyone!  Winners, please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.

And that wraps up our final Secret Agent Contest of 2011.  Next up:  Baker's Dozen! Wooo!


  1. Wow, a lot of winners! Congrats to them all!

  2. Congrats!
    I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to critique my entry and to the Amy Boggs for taking the time to give her feedback. It was all valuable and I look forward to incorporating many of the suggestions.

  3. Yayyy! Congratulations, winners! :)

  4. I just want to again thank you, Authoress, for creating such an amazing place for folks to get their work seen, share comments, and expose us to a wide range of agents.

    It’s very enlightening to read the agent’s responses- it lets us as writers see beyond the webpage bio for an agent- a little bit of who they really are. You really are an amazing person to do all this work for us :).

    And congrats winners! :)

  5. Congratulations to all the winners. This is a great contest. Thanks for making it available.

  6. Thank you, Authoress! My first experience with one of the contests...What a labor of love this is. (You are earning crowns in heaven and lots of kudos here too. This is an amazing group.)
