
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Contest on Standby

The contest was not set up correctly.  My fault.

Please stand by.


  1. I was accepted as number 32 but when I went to pay it said that I had paid already. What do I do now?


  2. According to @authoressanon's Twitter feed, entries are not valid because the payment setup wasn't working. She's trying to fix the issue now and will re-open the site. Everyone will have to start anew.

  3. It looks like they plan to have it back up at 10 am EST.

  4. nooononononono. I think my heart might explode:)

  5. I guess I'm out. I have to take my kids to school at that time.

  6. Submit again? Well, guess I'll have to use the other window; I'll be in class.

  7. Where did you see 10? I didn't see that. Thanks!

  8. There is a second day to enter if you aren't available at 10am. You can try again on Thursday (11/3).

    Authoress - you poor thing. *hugs*

  9. I see. If you click on the link it says 40 minutes.

  10. Oh my! I got confirmation, but's so late here.
    Have work tomorrow. Will we really have to re-submit?

  11. @Roxanne - when you click "submit" it tells you to check back in 40 minutes (or's counting down until 10am)

  12. Patience must be tested from time to time.

    None of us can avoid it. Not even Authoress.

    Chin up!

  13. Some people paid through Donate. What should they do?

  14. I'm in tears and you are all wonderful. Really.

  15. Oh no! (((HUGS)))

    Looks like I'm gonna miss this round (need to leave for work,) but I'm still cheering everyone else on!

    Good luck guys!

  16. *faints* I actually got my entry in. Oh no! I'm actually begging for you to accept the entries that already came through. Begging! Because I absolutely have to get back to work, and Thursday's out. Did I mention I'm begging? :)

    Love you! You're awesome! Sorry for all your stress!

  17. Don't cry authoress, we love you for even being willing to do this for all us crazy people!

  18. Oh no! It'll be fine, no worries! You're the best for doing everything you do!

  19. Take a deep breath Authoress. Stuff like this happens to everyone. It'll all work out.

  20. Oy! Good thing there's left-over Halloween candy this morning. <3

  21. No tears, Authoress! We love you!

  22. Thanks for the information. Oh authoress, I feel for you. What a nightmare for you. Hope for your sake it's all sorted out soon.

  23. What if you accepted those entries that went in, then re-open for the rest to fill up. Then those who entered at first but don't get payment in by the next slot, add those to that days???????

    Would that make everyone happy?

    Just an idea. :) **MORE HUGS**

  24. Consider this a virtual hug. You're amazing, Authoress, and for all the work you put into this you really ought to get some kind of medal or something. :)

  25. Don't cry, it will all work out ;-)

  26. You're doing a wonderful thing here. How we possibly be less than patient with you?

    Hang in there.

  27. Dry your tears, dear Authoress. Here, have a candy bar. :) It's ok. You're doing so much for us already!

  28. We all appreciate everything you do for us! How could we not be supportive at just a tiny little hiccup :) *Hugs*

  29. I'm just so sorry for all of you who entered. I have to cancel that contest because there is no way to administrate it. It would be a nightmare. So we have to start from scratch.

    I'm still waiting on Michael. He's 2 hours behind me so I'm hoping he will wake up soon. :(

  30. Stuff happens. We appreciate all your hard work! I can imagine how stressful this must be for you. Hang in there.

  31. So does that mean the countdown showing now isn't correct? Just want to know whether to hit the hay or hang in? : )

  32. I'll add one more round of "it happens" and "no tears, authoress!" I would hug you but I'm not really a hugger. I DID just pull some snickers brownies out of the oven, though, so I'll send you a plate of those =)Thanks for all you do!

  33. Authoress, I am virtually sending you my bucket of leftover Halloween candy. Sorry, no cashews. Hang in there and we'll all hang with you!

    Thanks for this and all you do for writers!

  34. Escape Artist -- I have created a new contest, which is what you see counting down right now. The first contest has been shut down.

    I KNOW YOU'RE TIRED! :-(( I'm so sorry. The window will be open for 8 hours. I know MG/YA is popular, but I don't know if all 150 will fill up that quickly. I know it's a gamble.


  35. No trouble Authoress! Wasn't sure as you said Michael was two hours away or something, so I thought you might start it later in the day! Chin up!
    This sort of thing happens to me all the time!
    Please laugh!
    : )
    Big hugs!!!

  36. Steph - those brownies sound delish! Let's all have a virtual brownie party whilst we wait. Nom nom nom.

  37. You know it's bad when I don't even want brownies. :-((

  38. Hugs for you, Authoress. Thank you for everything you do for us!!

    And if my entry gets in today (whenever the redo happens), I'll be happy to proxy for someone else on Thursday morning if you can't submit then. I'm usually pretty fast on the cut-and-paste. =)

  39. Escape, I think I may push the contest back to noon NYC to give Michael plenty of time. That's where I'm leaning right now.

  40. Escape, I think I may push the contest back to noon NYC to give Michael plenty of time. That's where I'm leaning right now.

  41. Escape, I think I may push the contest back to noon NYC to give Michael plenty of time. That's where I'm leaning right now.

  42. Authoress - well, I'll just save you one wrapped in a paper towel.

  43. Elissa- They are INCREDIBLY delicious. I'll pop more in the oven so there's plenty to pass around. When life gives you lemons...make brownies...or something like that =) And they reheat well, Authoress, so we'll just wrap one up for you! They're especially good warm with ice cream on top...

  44. No problem, Authoress I've got a can of soda and lots of chocolate bars. I'm more than happy to wait.

  45. I can retry at 10 AM or noon.


  46. Thanks for the heads up! : )
    Michael sounds like a handy one to have around!
    Don't worry it'll get there in the end. It's a huge undertaking and you've been going gangbusters!
    Is it too early over there for a glass of red?

  47. thinks maybe, but under the circumstances, half a glass! You are an angel! There's a lot of love out here. Remember that! Good night!

  48. Don't worry Authoress....

    Cyber crap ALWAYS happens... It's just how it is sometimes. However could enter at the time will be the lucky ones.

    That's just how it is with contests... it's all timing and luck.

    You are the best .... you care so much and we all know that.

  49. I too have to drop the kids to school! Ack! It's pouring rain here in Wanaka NZ and hubby is away! %&$*@) Is it wrong to make the kids walk in the rain???

  50. Ah oh. Just saw there was a glitch. I was wondering about payment. I was number 30 but didn't pay. Does that mean I am now out? Do I resubmit or is it too late?

  51. Paulak -- The first contest is null and void, so yes, you will have to resubmit on Thursday. I'm sorry!
