
Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Fricassee

Happy Friday!

I'm officially ready to not be living in a hotel room any more, despite the view and the amazing food choices in the city.  This morning, I'm breakfasting with Gabrielle Harbowy, who will have to swap her gray felt hat for my red one so I can add to my people-wearing-Authoress's-red-hat collection.  So looking forward to meeting her!

Yesterday morning, Jodi and I FINISHED READING THE SLUSH.  We're still working on our final list of winners, and I'll email the notifications on Monday as promised.

And...well, that's it, really.  I'm flying home tomorrow, so that'll give me Sunday to get my ostriches in a row.  Biggest bummer of the week?  My book choice.  I HATE it.  (No, I'm not going to tell you the title.  No, it's not anything that's been published in the last year.  It's a YA fantasy and it's making my fingernails crawl off my fingers.  That's how much I hate it.)  I'm going to have to find a bookstore today so I can buy DIVERGENT for the trip home.  Because that's what I REALLY want to read.

Have you ever been stuck with a stinky book while traveling?  This has happened to me twice in the past year! Dreadful, dreadful.

See you Monday!


  1. I HAVE been stuck with a stinky book while traveling, and it's the worst. You have all my sympathy. :)

  2. Since I got my Kindle... never!

    ...but been there many times before.

  3. Yes! It's awful, like being trapped with a boring person who won't stop talking.
    This is why I'm thinking of investing in a Kindle Fire.

  4. You will enjoy DIVERGENT! Please go grab you a copy before you lose your fingernails. :)

    Safe travels!

  5. My Kindle Touch arrived yesterday and I'm so delighted. I bought it mainly to avoid the stinky travel book blues. One great thing is, you can download lots of classic books for free. So even if you get a stinky ebook, you can always reread Pride and Prejudice or some Sherlock Holmes stories.

    BTW, if you wind up in Chinatown for dinner, perhaps try House of Nanking. You might have to wait in line, but the food is delish! If you're in North Beach, Steps of Rome is good fun and good food, especially the desserts.

  6. Ugh, yes. I'm traveling right now and reading a book that has a good twisty plot, but it also has the flattest characters and reads like a first draft. I can only manage a few chapters at a time.

  7. You will love Divergent! Another good one is Ashes. I love me some zombies.

    Have a safe flight!

  8. I just finished Divergent myself; it was amazing. (No, I did not read it while I was supposed to be working and shelving books at the library, why do you ask?)

  9. YOU HAVEN'T READ DIVERGENT YET? (Okay, I'm done being dramatic now.) You will LO-O-O-VE it! (Okay, now I'm done.)

    I read Daughter of Smoke & Bone while I was in SF. Another great book if you haven't picked it up yet.

  10. I used to travel with 6 books on hand to avoid that very fate.

    Now that I have my kindle, I'm grateful to both my luggage weight and the number of titles I get to bring with me.

  11. I'm with M. Dunham: I travel with a ton of books. In fact, I travel with so many, that I have a little rollaway bag that's been dubbed The Library.

    Though those books are usually for my research and not exactly what someone would call entertaining.

  12. Hotel fatigue and a stinky book?! You have my sympathy! I bought a well reviewed book and saved it for a long weekend getaway...the writing was lovely, but wordy, and loaded with ridiculous coincidences. I gave up about halfway through and bought FEVER, a much better choice.

    Enjoy your last night in S.F.!

  13. I know that situation well. When I was younger, we used to take long car trips to see my grandparents. The only thing that keeps me from getting car sick is reading, but the book I had at the time was SO BORING I had to put it down... only to look out the window and get nauseous. An evil paradox indeed...

    Have a great trip home!

  14. Yes, I second Karen's suggestion, Daughter of Smoke & Bone is amazing! You must read it!

    I've been stuck at my parent's house in rural Washington with only my mom's "library" to keep me going. I quickly discovered that the more wine you drink, the better a book can get. :)

  15. LOL VIvi -- Why didn't I think of that?

    pinkelephant -- How very odd, because reading in a car is the one thing that MAKES me carsick! Total bummer when we're on the road for hours and Mr. A is blasting Thomas Dolby. o.o

  16. Does your book's title rhyme with Mylight? ;-D (I thought it might give me a heart attack, it raised my blood pressure so much.)

    Hope your next book experience is super awesome to balance things out.

  17. Divergent is amazing and will totally make up for the stinky book.

  18. My mum got me two books to take with me when I went on holiday last year. Both of them were pretty bad.

    10+ hour plane trips with only stinky books to read? Not. Cool.
