
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today's submission window will be from 3:00 to 11:00 PM EDT.

I am SO SORRY.  Those of you who entered the cancelled round and paid via the donation button, please pop me an email and I will refund your donation.  The fee can only be paid via the web form because there is no other way to administrate which entries were paid and which were not.

You guys.  Bleh.


  1. EST, right? Just double checking. Don't sweat it, Authoress!

  2. Go ahead and keep my donation and buy yourself some chocolate. And thanks for posting a new time so I can peel myself off of the computer. It's all good! <3 <3

  3. Honestly, you poor thing! Nite nite!
    Thanks for letting us know! : )

  4. No, Nicole, it's EDT. It's still Daylight Saving Time until this weekend. ;)

  5. Bleh? Bleh!

    Shake it off, lady.

    This is a learning experience.

    At least that's what I tell myself when I do something human, like make a booboo.


    See you at time that is. ♥

  6. RC Lewis! Fancy seeing you here. xoxox

  7. Thanks for giving us the new time Authoress. Off to bed (1am here now). Sending you the biggest hugs, we all love you!



  8. Hugs! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on the status, and don't worry. Things happen. You still rock.

  9. Thanks for letting us know. I can go to bed now:) Don't worry about it. We still appreciate everything you do and think you are awesome.

  10. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  11. Thanks for the new time. Now I can go about my day without checking the computer every minute or two! Go have some chocolate on me!

  12. Ah. I have school pick-up at 3:00. In the off chance it won't close within the first few minutes, I'll try to make it. If not, there's always Thursday. :)

    Good luck to everyone who'll be in line this afternoon! And thanks, Authoress, for this awesome opportunity!

  13. Thank you! You can keep my extra donation as well! It's labeled #64. Put it towards extra. :)

  14. I'm glad you got it fixed! Thanks a bunch and good luck to everybody!

  15. I can't tell you how many times technical difficulties have been the bane of my existence. Sending encouragement your way.

  16. HI, Authoress,

    I did pay through the donate, where is the web form so I can pay before the new entry time?

    I did shoot you an email to both your accounts. Which one are you using these days?

  17. beloved Authoress, we in cyberspace feel your pain! (blessings!)

  18. Don't worry too much about it. Everyone makes mistakes; no real harm done!

  19. My dear wife, how hard you are on yourself. Based on the feedback from everyone, I can safely say that all is well!

    Love you and proud of you for helping so many.

  20. Phew and I thought the contest had filled up in less than three minutes...

  21. I've said it on Twitter and I'll say it again - you're amazing. Don't beat yourself up over this, all is definitely well :)

    Will be looking forward to the next opportunity! :)


  22. Authoress, never let anyone tell you that you are not made of awesome. You're doing something that no one else has tried before and kicking ass.

    Take a bath, have some chocolate, all is well.

  23. UPDATE: 3:00 is a definite go. Finally hooked up with Michael and everything's as it should be.


  24. Authoress, this blog is so amazing and you rock so hard and Michael rocks and I love the automated form! Thanks and on't sweat the small stuff!

  25. YOU are really awesome. Thanks for posting to let us know, and thanks for always keeping cool when the internet throws up on you. ;)

  26. Thanks so much Authoress! I love your blog. This'll work out, and then we'll all be "remember that year the Baker's Dozen was so crazy?"

  27. You know we all love your for the opportunities you give us so freely! And I find it so sweet that "Mr. A" posted on here to tell you that, too. I never know what my hubby's going to say next in my blog comments, but it's always fun to screen them first before I post 'em (or not, sometimes)!

  28. You must feel so much better now that it's resolved. You and Michael are fantastic, thanks for everything! Sending hugs your way!

  29. Ok, have decided to make the kids walk in the rain! : ) Authoress, stuff happens! : ) xxx

  30. Wonderful to hear! *starts to bite nails again*

    I kinda think there should be a donation option 'chocolate' so we can randomly send you comfort food ;)

  31. Agreed with the chocolate donation button. Thank you Authoress. Good luck to everyone!

  32. A chocolate donation button would make me very happy. And possibly very large. :)

    I'm nervous now. :P

  33. Never mind, got it to work. Merci!

  34. You're fantastic! Keep my donation. This is a worthy cause. :)

  35. I think I might have a crush on Mr. A.

  36. Made it in! And the form is working beautifully.

  37. Ha! He is a cutie, right? What a lovely thing he said!
    And yes, GOOD morning! Made it! YAY!!!! : )
    I dreamt about brownies though. What's all that about?

  38. Got it! Thanks!!!! Very excited! Geez...I was #39 at like a minute in. :)

  39. Is there a way to edit our post after it's been submitted? The italics didn't translate for some reason...

  40. My PayPal email address is different than the one I entered with. Is that okay?

  41. Yippy-skippy! I got my entry in this time! I already feel like a winner!

    Thanks for caring so much about us, Authoress. We'll always love you. No matter what.

  42. Yay, I made it in. Now I need a drink!!!

    LOVE the new form, Authoress. Not sure, though, why I have a sudden craving for chocolate. *runs off to find Kids' Halloween candy.

  43. Sheesh--compare and contrast the adrenaline rush between this submission and the second day of the bakers dozen submissions for adult fiction a few weeks ago. Night and Day! LOL

  44. YAY! Lucky I checked emails this morning! Sun came out, miraculously, kids on the bus and I am in! Woop woop!!

  45. Aw, man! I was #11 this morning and now I'm #19! :D I didn't even read it after it was entered--lotsa people pounding refresh!


    Thanks, Authoress!

  46. I didn't get a number. Does that mean I didn't make it this time?

  47. My fingers were shaking while I was typing, it was pathetic! :)

    Thanks to everyone working their butts and minds off back there behind all that brown screen. :)

  48. Macaronipants - You should receive an email after payment with a number.

  49. OMG - chewing fingernails!!! I'm #123! Let's hope all those crits and revisions are worth a bid or two! Thanks all - I absolutely adore this community. Authoress... there are not enough words to express our gratitude to you. Bless you, forever!

  50. Wow! #132 already! Thank you, Authoress :) You totally rock, not to mention the community, but this is awesome!

  51. All's well that ends well. Authoress, 3:00 was the PERFECT time to resume submissions.

    good luck to all!

  52. Anon -- Don't worry about mistakes. Once the winners are chosen, they'll get a chance to ask me to fix formatting, etc. Jodi and I aren't being picky about formatting while reading the slush.

    Jen -- It doesn't matter. The bot links you together. :)

    macaronipants -- Check your spam.

  53. Good luck to everyone.

    Thanks Authoress you're awesome :)

  54. Phew--Thanks you SO much! And thanks for hosting this great contest!

  55. Thank you so much, Authoress, you rock!

  56. Yay! I'm #41! I thought I was going to toss my cookies when I forgot my paypal password. Thank goodness for high speed internet and quick reminder emails...whew.

    Authoress, you rock!

  57. I wasn't nervous this morning, probably because I hadn't had my coffee yet, but this time my hands were shaking so bad I could hardly type. I made it in, #91! Thanks Authoress ;-)

  58. Made it!!!! Got the kids home from school and rushed to my computer. I left everything open so all I had to do was refresh and paste. Looks like I just made it in time too. Whew! Thanks, Authoress, for the rush of excitement today. :)

    Now, the nail-biting begins. Yay!

  59. Exciting stuff. Thanks so much.

  60. Yikes, that was close! Trying to get the spacing right, and italics too...but I made it, #129! Whoo hoo! Thanks, Authoress, for this wonderful opportunity.

  61. Woot, I'm in! (I think-got confirmaton on the form, but can't access my e-mail from work). Authoress, thanks so much for this amazing contest!!

  62. Nothing in spam. Plus I had already entered all possible email addresses into my address book. I did get a confirmation payment from paypal. I guess I'll just sit tight.

  63. Is anybody else having PayPal issues? They keep telling me my cards (all five of the ones I've tried) can't be verified. Am I doing something wrong/stupid?

  64. macaroni -- You may have mistyped your email into the webform, or typed a different email address than the one you're checking right now (several people did that during the adult rounds). The bot sends the confirmation (it actually says "pending" in the subject line) to whatever email address you give it on the submission form.

    No worries either way, because the Paypal verification means your entry has been accepted.

  65. My computer totally freaked and shut down as I entered. I kept hitting the Pay Pal key and probably donated $108. :) Oh my gosh, don't know if my formatting came out right or anything. What a wild ride subbing today. Phew!

  66. Authoress~
    Just a FYI- I sent an email to facelesswords email account regarding my payment. Paypal is NOT liking me today. My submission is #127, but PayPal won't let me in!!! Yikes!

  67. This was nerve-wracking to even watch, and I made into the adult list a couple of weeks ago. Authoress, you are a trooper! So are the many patient people who rallied today with their entries.

    I'll look forward to November 14, and daydream about agents trash-talking each other about my entry. Hey, it could happen, yes?

  68. Stefanie Gaither - I had a similar fight with paypal. It couldn't find me under any of my email addresses, and when I tried to make a new account, said I couldn't use my email and card as they were in my existing account. ARRGGGH. I finally got a new account with my backup credit card and an email I don't generally use for that kind of thing.

    Happy to be in the slush though!

  69. I've always wanted to enter one of these but I'm either too late, don't understand the rules, or something.

    Oh well...

  70. @Heather Hawke- Yes, me and PayPal have a long, violent history, lol. It never wants to let me pay for things. But I think I've got it worked out now! Just ended up using a totally different card/account. As an added bonus, it was my mom's card, and she says I don't have to pay her the $8 back, so yay! Haha. Also very excited to have made it into the slush =) Now to commence the nail-biting and waiting for November 21st! Best of luck to you (and everyone else!)

    And THANK YOU Authoress and Michael for the help with Paypal and everything else ya'll do.

  71. I have to tell you this, only 'cause I know you'll laugh. Showed up at work, and I guess I didn't look that great. Comment from an associate...
    'You still celebrating halloween?'
    I almost hit him!!
    It was worth looking like I do to get #32 or #36 or whatever number I am! At work now, can't remember!
    Question. I did follow the paypal prompt and paid accordingly, but I didn't recall it saying what number I was after I paid. It will link up at your end, right?
    Okay, am I sounding paranoid? Just a bit! Red eyed and paranoid! That's it! I'm off to seek out brownies!

  72. You sound utterly sleep deprived and it's my fault! LOL

    Yes, it'll all line up at my end. The numbers are for me, anyway, to keep the submissions straight. Though you do need to hang onto them, because all non-winners will be invited to submit to host blogs for critique by number.

    Go forth and find brownies!

  73. How can we find out our number if we didn't get an email? Just 'cause, you know, you don't have enough work to do.

  74. I'm commenting because right now there are 79 comments and I want there to be 80. Thanks for the contest!

  75. To those of you who had trouble with PayPal. You are not alone. I did too. I've never had trouble before, but it wouldn't except my card and then it said I didn't exist. I had to use a different card and set up a new account before it would let me pay. I got a receipt and I got the pending email saying I'm #116, so I guess it's all taken care of.

    Thanks for all your hard work Authoress!
