
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Public Slushpile Winners!

Wow!  It was breathtaking to watch your comments flooding in.

Here are the results of your toil--the top 5 entries:

#5 -- Home Base
#13 -- Trapped in Lunch Lady Land
#16 -- Lifeweaver
#18 -- The Victorious Dead
#20 -- Guide Dog

Congratulations!  Winners, please email your first 500 words to me at facelesswords(at) (do NOT use the web form, as I will be doing these by hand).  Please include your TITLE and GENRE as per normal formatting.

I need your entries by Monday the 26th, as they will post first thing Tuesday morning.



  1. Yes! My three favorites made it.

  2. Authoress, thank you so much for this amazing contest! I'm number 20, and I wanted to also thank everyone who weighed in-everyone's comments were amazingly helpful! This site rocks!!

  3. This is the author of Lifeweaver (entry #16). I just wanted to thank everyone who commented on my query, both for being so postive and for giving me valuable insight on how to improve it (even if you said 'Yes'!) Having dozens of people critique my query over the span of 24 hours has been amazing. To quote the Authoress, you all are the BESTEST.

    And Authoress, I can't thank you enough for hosting this contest, and all the others you have gifted us with. I'm a new reader of your blog, but I can already tell you are truly an angel to aspiring authors. I hope the kindness, encouragement, and opportunity you've given away freely is returned a thousand-fold.

  4. Thank you so much to the Authoress and all the great folks who commented (#18 here ;)). I got some great feedback and am looking forward to more.

    This group (and its fearless leader) ROCKS!

  5. Congrats to the top 5 :-) What a great competition and I've learned a lot. Thanks to all of the commenters and thanks to the Amazing Authoress!

  6. Congrats to the five! And want to say, I was five for five with my YES picks. :)

  7. Congratulations to all the winners. These are all great choices, and my very favorite is up there, so I'm excited to read more.

  8. Congratulations to the top 5 and thank you everyone for your feedback on my query (#10)!

  9. Congrats to the lucky top 5. Looking forward to seeing your first 500.

  10. Seems my tastes aren't out of the loop after all. All my favourite ones are here.

    Congratulations to all those in the top five. Can't wait to see your first 500 words.

  11. Congratulations to the top five. I'm looking forward to reading your first 500.

    Also, thanks to everyone for your helpful comments. That's a great prize all by itself. Man, I love a good feedback session!

  12. Congrats all and good luck in the next round!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
