
Monday, March 12, 2012


This month's winners are:

#2 -- sWITCH
#10 -- Must Love Breeches

The prize:

Ms. Webber is offering a 30-page critique!  Winners, please email me for specific submission instructions.



  1. Congrats, winners! Love these contests!

  2. Congratulations! Good picks.
    The comments I received on my entry were so helpful -- I've already incorporated some of the good ideas that the other writers offered. Thanks, Authoress, for this valuable service to writers!!

  3. A huge CONGRATS to the winners! And A special 'thank you' to everyone who commented on the pieces as well as Ms. Secret Agent for participating. The feedback is always priceless and appreciated. =^)

  4. Congrats winners and thank you to Authroess and Carlie. Whooooaaah!

  5. Am very excited, thank you so much for this opportunity!

  6. I think the best lesson from this month's contest is twofold - 1) don't eviscerate your work and redo the entire thing based on a a comment. Ten people might have ten reactions. If there is a consensus then you have to take a look at your work. 2) The importance of querying widely. Personal taste runs through everyone's choices and the gamut literally is from A to Z. My favorite from this month didn't get a mention yet it is still my favorite (the duck one). So, onwards to the next contest! I did not get an entry in this month and I am kind of glad :) I think all the participants know what I mean *wink*

  7. Congratulations winners!

    Happy Dolphin - I agree! And I hope the writers I gave feedback to remember that what I wrote was just my opinion!

    Thanks Authoress for giving us a forum to show some vulnerability and bravery and hone our skills!

  8. Congratulations, winners!!!!!

  9. I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments on my entry this month. I think that was the most valuable thing of all: just seeing how people outside my normal circle respond to my work. Mine was the duck entry and I'm also very flattered to see it mentioned above (thanks Happy Dolphin!) as someone's favorite. It's really a great shot in the arm to see people enjoying it. Thus continues my quest to get it published! Thanks Authoress for a great event!
