
Monday, May 14, 2012

Secret Agent Unveiled: Vickie Motter

Cupcakes and champagne for this month's Secret Agent, Vickie Motter of the Andrea Hurst Agency!

Vickie's bio:

Vickie Motter has been an agent with Andrea Hurst Literary Management since 2011, coming from an editorial background. She works with all genres of YA as well as Adult Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. She maintains a blog aimed at helping writers of all levels of experience, Navigating the Slush Pile, where you can find more information about her, how to query her, current clients, and her favorite reads. Every Wednesday, join her for Wednesday Reads, a new kind of book review and insight into how an agent reads.

 What Vickie's looking for right now:

 I'm especially hungry for YA historical, historical fantasy, scifi, steampunk, and contemporary romance. In Adult, I'm always looking for Paranormal Romance with strong characters and world building to die for; Urban Fantasy with a strong female lead, either humorous or dark; and Epic Fantasy.

Hooray for Vickie!  Winners forthcoming.


  1. Vickie is awesome! :) And so supportive and fun in person! Good luck to all who entered!

  2. Woo hoo! Vickie is awesome! Can't wait to see who she picks as winners!

  3. I learned a lot this go around. That's for participating and for all the helpful insights, Vickie!

  4. Vickie gave some really awesome feedback on all the entries! I'll definitely be putting into use the critique she gave me of mine.

  5. Rissa Snepp...didn't feel like signing in--lazyMay 14, 2012 at 9:38 AM

    She Rocks! Awesome feedback. Everyone was so respectful and informative. Great critiques that I am applying already. Excited about my revisions!

  6. Sigh.... NOOO!! Vickie is one of my favorites and I didn't enter this month :( this sucks. I'm gonna go for the WV Twitter Pitch hopefully she'll see me there . She's an awesome agent!

  7. I was very impressed with how astute Vickie's comments were on the entries. She really went all out on her feedback. Lots to learn here! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Somehow I missed all the entries - it appears this vanished from my blog feed! Congrats to all the winners :)

  10. Somehow I missed all the entries - it appears this vanished from my blog feed! Congrats to all the winners :)
