
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Another Indirect Success Story

This one's from a long-time blog participant:

After not making the cut for the 2010 Baker's Dozen contest, I worked hard on my subsequent manuscript with hopes I'd qualify for 2011. I sent in my logline and 250 words, crossed my fingers and toes, and waited for the rejection email. My spirits were flying high when I got the email saying I was in. I was already one step further than the year before!

Then the nail biting began for the auction. Not making it in the year before was one thing, but could I handle it if my entry didn't get any bids? My nerves were a tangled mess as the auction started. To my
delight, the bids came in! From more than one agent! I ended up with a 100-page request from one agent, and a first-chapter request from another agent who didn't win my bid but contacted Authoress once the auction was over. Both agents had wonderful things to say about my writing, but sadly, neither offered representation. However, between their comments and comments from the editors who participated in the contest, I was able to give my manuscript a new polish.

The next contest I entered was the Pitch Slam on YALitChat, where I made the top ten. Though I didn't make the top three, I was soon contacted by the assistant to Georgia McBride, who had just started up Month9Books. They wanted to see my first chapter! Three days later, they wanted the full! In the meantime, I won a full manuscript request from a contest judged by another publishing company. My full manuscript was being read by TWO publishing houses. You'd think I would have been confident, sure of myself, like I had nothing to lose. Wrong. I was a mess. I was sure they'd both tell me how horrible I was. But I waited with high hopes, and in the end I was offered a two-book contract from Month9Books! My debut novel, MY SISTER'S REAPER, will release May 29, 2013!

It can be found on Goodreads here.

Thank you, Authoress, for holding these wonderful contests that help writers achieve their dreams.

Dorothy Dreyer


  1. Congratulations, Dorothy. And thanks for letting us know that it *can* be done!

  2. Awesome! I remember this entry and thought it rocked! Congrats, you're a real inspiration! ;-)

  3. Congrats, Dorothy! The feedback here can make a world of difference. Best of luck to you!

  4. Oooo! Congratulations! So happy for your successes! The critiques sometimes feel harsh, but they push us to further excellence. So happy for you!

  5. Thanks, everyone! Don't stop believing! *breaks out into song*

  6. Hooray and congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  7. That is awesome! Congratulations, Dorothy!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yay, Dorothy! So exciting! I am so excited for your book to come out which will be released on my hub's bday. Is it tacky to buy myself a gift for HIS bday? LOL

  10. Wonderful Dorothy! I've been watching you for the last year on twitter. Hurray!!! And very inspiring.
