
Monday, October 1, 2012

The Third Annual Baker's Dozen Agent Auction -- Dates and Guidelines!

14 agents are ready to outbid each other in the 3rd annual BAKER'S DOZEN AGENT AUCTION.  Do you have a crisp logline and completed manuscript? Then this auction is for you!


October 30: Submissions for adult fiction (all genres except erotica), 9 AM to 5 PM EDT (100 max)
November 1: Submissions for adult fiction (all genres except erotica) , 9 AM to 5 PM EDT (100 max)

November 6:  Submissions for YA/MG fiction (all genres), 9 AM to 5 PM EDT (150 max)
November 8:  Submissions for YA/MG fiction (all genres), 9 AM to 5 PM EDT (150 max)

November 12: 25 winning entries in adult category notified via email
November 19: 35 winning entries in YA/MG category notified via email

November 30: 60 winning entries posted on blog
December 4: auction is LIVE at 11:00 AM EDT (agents will place bids)

December 5:  auction closes
December 6:  winners announced

  • During the appropriate submission window, send your LOGLINE and the first 250 words of your COMPLETED AND POLISHED MANUSCRIPT. 
  • To submit, GO HERE and follow the directions. Be sure to check your word count and preview your entry before hitting "submit."
  • YES, you may submit your entry if you were in any Secret Agent contests this year.
  • NO, you MAY NOT submit if you were one of last year's 60 Baker's Dozen entrants...UNLESS it is a DIFFERENT MANUSCRIPT.
  • NO, you MAY NOT submit more than one manuscript in the same category.  You may, however, submit one entry in each category (1 adult and 1 MG/YA).
  • All entrants must pay an $10 entry fee. You will be asked to pay before your entry is completed. You do not need a Paypal account to pay the fee (you should be given the option to use a credit card), though it's certainly easier when you do have an account.
  • Please do not enter if you are already agented.
  • Please notify me if you receive an offer of representation prior to the announcement of winners.  Also, please understand that the entry fee is non-refundable.
  • By entering this contest, you are giving implicit permission to have your work posted and publicly critiqued.
  • All non-winning entries will be given the option for public critique at a later date.  Details to be announced.

  • As soon as the winning entries post on November 30, critiquing may begin.  Critiques will be offered by one of our two participating editors (adult or YA/MG, depending on your genre), one of our two participating authors (adult or YA/MG, depending on your genre), and as many of our blog community members as show up.
  • Agent bids will consist of the number of pages they would like to read, up to a full manuscript.
  • There is no guarantee that every entry will receive an agent bid.
  • Each of the 60 winners is requested to critique a minimum of 5 other entries.
  • Agents will be reading the entries beginning on November 30, but bidding will not begin until 11:00 AM EDT on December 4.  This will give the agents several days to decide which entries, if any, they'd like to place a bid on.
  • Critiquing may continue after the bidding has closed (December 5).

If I've missed anything, please leave your question in the comment box below.  But please MAKE SURE YOU CHECK ALL THE RECENT BAKER'S DOZEN AND LOGLINE POSTS before asking.

Hooray!  I'll be announcing our participating agents, editors, and authors in the coming days. Keep your eyes pealed!


  1. Ahhhh so exciting! Can't wait! Hoping I've learned and improved enough this year to make it into the auction this time.

  2. Have a question... Even if we don't have a completed manuscript ready to enter in the contest, can we take part in the Critique Rounds in order to have experience and feedback from writing a logline?


  3. SO EXCITED. And already nervous!

  4. Lauri -- Yes! There's no way I could police that, anyway, yanno? So the logline critiques are wide open for everyone. :)

  5. I am really excited about this year and will be working on my pitch. I kinda feel like a lost puppy with my logline. So I'm glad we still have a few weeks to perfect the logline.

    Authoress, I know I've said it before, but I really do appreciate the time you put into your blog to help aspiring authors, like me:)

  6. So exciting! Good luck to everyone participating. Can't wait to read all the awesome entries!

  7. I'm a little confused on the payment-will the submission form take us to Paypal to make the payment once we've hit "submit"?

  8. Amanda -- Yes, the Paypal payment is part of the submission process, programmed right into the Bot. Your submission will be accepted once payment goes through.

  9. I'm so excited! Thanks for organizing this again, Authoress. :)

  10. I won't enter this year, but I'm still excited to see it. It's actually a bit of a relief to know I won't enter, too; now I won't have that hanging over me during NaNoWriMo.

    Good luck to everyone preparing for it!

  11. Are we doing logline critiques again this week? I thought they were for three Monday/Tuesdays in a row? They are fun and educational, plus we get to see some really good story lines!

  12. Yes! I'm ready for both categories.

  13. So this might sound a bit like cheating, but are you going to combine the word count limit for the logline and the opening? Because I have a short logline, but I feel like my opening is a little more compelling at 265 words than at 250. I'd like to know if I have to find 15 words to cut out of my opening for this entry. ;)

  14. It says no erotica for the adult genres...but what about erotic romance?

  15. What a great opportunity. I am thrilled about this.

  16. This is the first year I'm ready to submit to the contest. I can't wait!

  17. I with my MS was ready, it's so close, but I won't let myself rush it. I know it needs a couple more months.
    Can I ask, does Baker's Dozen occur regularly every October?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I have two manuscripts I'd like to submit. A MG and a YA, I read that I am not supposed to submit two manuscripts to the same category, but would this be allowed, as the category is split?

  20. Alex -- Yes, you may submit 1 manuscript in each category.

  21. I am super excited! Thanks for all the hard work on our behalf, Authoress!

  22. I'm just curious how the potential blackouts around Hurricane Sandy might affect our ability to enter. My MS is adult, so the windows are October 30 and November 1. If my power goes out and doesn't come back before then, I guess I'll have to find somewhere that does have power to send from! Yikes! I guess I answered my own question. Good luck, everyone! :D

  23. It's obvious this site and the contests require a great deal of time and efort. Thanks for what you do.

  24. Wow, another great contest with amazing agents. Just realized I will be working the polls on election day, Nov. 6, so will not be able to push the "send" button at 9 am (we start at 7 am and there is no wifi available.)

    Good luck to everyone else!

  25. Thank you Authoress! Are all entries submitted using the form only? It appears that way, but checking.

  26. Karen -- you can use email, too. But I strongly recommend the web form .:)

  27. What a generous contest. Good luck to everyone.

  28. Did all the slots get filled for Thursday?

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