
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Am I a Success Story or Not?"

Here's the thing:  The MSFV Success Stories (have you clicked on the link above lately?) range from direct Baker's Dozen and Secret Agent pick-ups to around-the-bush, affected-me-this-way-so-I-could-go-that-way experiences.  Some of the authors have already been published; some are still in the trenches with their agents.  But all of them share this blog as a common thread in their success stories, whether directly or indirectly.

Here's one that wasn't sure she "counted".  I assured her that she does (remembering the ilk of Beth Revis, who credits MSFV as an indirect influence on her success--Across the Universe showed up on MSFV in Jodi Meadows's Query Contest several years ago, and the rest is history).

What I like about today's story is that it focuses on the advice she received here--and on the fact that she landed some excellent crit partners as a direct result of her involvement here.  (And yes, we're going to have another Crit Partner Dating Service in January!)

Without further ado:

Hi Authoress, 

I wondered if I counted. . . I did last year's Baker's Dozen, got good feedback on my logline, but wasn't chosen for the Baker's Dozen, which really bummed me out. However, I took the advice you gave to heart, rewrote my first page/chapter and eventually got an agent, Kristin Nelson. I've been with her since March. 

 I also want to mention I got two very incredible CP's through your site who are themselves success stories. . . it's all about the people, people. I love authors with a passion and think your website is SO helpful--not just offering exposure to agents but in getting us organized and meeting goals. Yay to Authoress!

Stacey Lee


  1. Sounds like a success story to me. Congrats to Stacy, and another big feather for your hat, Authoress.

  2. Woohoo! Kristen Nelson is awesome!

  3. Congratulations, Stacy. Great story, great agent!

    This blog just keeps giving and giving.

  4. I love this story! Congrats Stacy! I totally agree, it is all about the people!

    Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Stacey's awesome--a success story no matter how you look at it!

  6. Thanks everyone! I'm really touched by all that Authoress does for everyone. :)

  7. New to this blog and have enjoyed reading the past success stories. I'd say you definitely qualify!

  8. Anyone who lands an agent is a champion - congratulations.

    Looking forward to the second Crit Partner Dating Service. Out of interest Authoress, have you had any requests for a Beta Reader Dating Service?

  9. Very cool! I like the indirect success stories.
