
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baker's Dozen Exclusive Has Expired!

So today's the day I'll be sending out requests from agents who didn't win what they wanted -- and also from agents who didn't even participate in the auction.  (Yep. Isn't this exciting??)

Bear with me -- this is time-consuming.  I've already started, but the process may bleed into tomorrow, as I've got a full plate today (not to mention edits that I need to finish).

Also!  K.T.'s 50 slots for the Baker's Dozen I-Didn't-Make-It-In critique, but she is going to do a second round to accommodate more of you!  Here are the details:

Please continue to send submissions to ktcritiques [AT] by 10 PM EST Saturday night, December 22. I will post the second round of entries on Wednesday, December 26, at KTCROWLEY.COM for critiquing.

In the subject, please state “BD ENTRY 2".

Submit your logline and first 250 words just like when submitting to Miss Snark's First Victim. Your submission should look like this:

TITLE: Your Title Here
GENRE: Your Genre Here

(Logline and first 250 here).

A confirmation email will be sent, but it may not be right away. Only resend if you don't get one by the last hour of the submission window. Once I receive 50 entries, an email will be sent to notify you if you didn't make the cut, so get yours in quickly! Round one filled up in just under 36 hours, so don't delay. And again, if you enter, please critique five other entries, so that it's fair for everyone.


  1. Authoress & KT - thank you so much for all of your efforts. I can't imagine how much work is involved, and I hope everyone is as grateful as I am for these opportunities to improve and showcase our work.

  2. Thanks! Your contest has been such a cool opportunity.

  3. Authoress, I didn't participate in the auction, but I have followed it. It has been so exciting, and I get all tingly just thinking about how cool it is to have something you've written actually be bidded on and the great critiques given. Moreover, I just want to thank you for all of your work. I've followed this blog for a little over a year (mostly a lurker), and I have seen time and time again the selfless work that you put in to support fellow writers. May you be rewarded by a wonderful holiday season piled with treats and whatever present you've been dreaming of. Thanks again for all you do!

  4. Thanks again, Authoress!
    It feels like Christmas came early this year. :)
