
Thursday, February 14, 2013

100 Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day!

Let's give a big Valentine to ourselves, shall we?  Here's what I'd like to do:

Leave a comment that says 2 things:

1.  Something you love about yourself.
2.  Something you love about this blog community.  (This can be directed at a particular person, such as, "I love the way Screamin' Meemee always uses humor in her critiques!", or at the community in general, such as, "I love the way everybody sends expensive chocolate to Authoress on Valentine's Day."


It's simple, really.  In order to love others, we have to first love ourselves.  Not in an I'm-so-great-even-my-farts-don't-stink" sort of way, but in an "I love myself because I'm a valuable human being" sort of way.

I'm serious.  Self-loathing, self-deprecation, and even self-apathy don't make us very good lovers.  (Or good writers.  Or good employees. get the idea.)

So.  YES.  Your first comment must be something you love about yourself.

I will leave the first comment, so all's fair.

Let's see if we can get 100 Valentine comments by the end of the day!

Oh, and let me sweeten the deal.  Leave at least 100 comments, and tomorrow morning, I'll choose 1 commenter by random to win a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card.  Because I love you.  (Only comments that follow the rules will be eligible to win.)

Sound good?  Let's do it!


  1. All right, I'm game. I love that I work well under pressure. And I love MSFV because everyone is so civil and helpful here. There's never any sniping, just solid support. It's wonderful.

    Happy Valentine's Day, Authoress! Thanks for everything you do. <3

  2. oooooo Delia, you beat me! ;)

    I love that I can laugh at myself.
    I love that everyone feels safe here, so they are able to be themselves, learn, and grow.

  3. I love that I have a talent for making people smile. (Often, it's because they're laughing at some silly thing I've done, but the smiles are always genuine, so it's still a plus!)

    I love that writers come together to encourage one another and to help each other improve.

  4. Simple....

    I love that I can love. That I'm able to feel and that I can give love back,

    I love the feedback and support we give each other and I love knowing I'm not the only one struggling.

  5. I love that I'm hard-working and dedicated. I love that everyone here offers such amazing comments and help.

  6. I love being able to make people smile and think and (especially) laugh with my words.

    I love the "rising tide lifts all boats" attitude around here, and that this is a safe little corner of the internet where writers can learn and grow.

  7. I love that I'm unashamed of my geekiness.

    I love that the MSFV community is so generous with critique and support.

    I love that you give up your time to help us on our own writing journeys, Authoress!

    Please don't include me for the prize -- I'm in the UK anyway, so it would be a waste -- but please do count me towards the 100 comments. :)

    ~written by a lurker.

  8. I love that I am easily excited by things, easily moved, saddened, pleased, and so on. Feeling things is important :)

    I love this community because there is so much generosity!

  9. I love that I'm still a kid at heart.

    I love this community because in exchange for helping to critique contest entries, I get to learn (and I get a whole bunch of tiny slices of entertainment!).

  10. I love that I don't hate, that I give everyone a chance.

    I love how even though we might curse and shake our fists when the lottery-bot does not choose us, we still support and cheer on each other, instead of treating publishing like a zero-sum game.

  11. (I love this idea, but that's not one of my two things, it's just an in addition to :-D)

    I love that I keep pushing, even when there doesn't seem to be a clear path.

    And I love all the support and enthusiasm and how very genuine this community is. Which you might think is three things, but I don't think you can have the support and enthusiasm unless you mean it, and it's so amazing how much everyone means it <3

  12. I love that I can still believe in love the way I did as a little girl. Full-blown, unaltered belief that true love is real and magical, and can survive anything. All you need is love. :-)

    I love the way the writing community -and those of us who visit this blog whether frequently or not- can come together and build one another up. In a world where so many things are competitive and ruthless, writers seem to grow from helping others grow. And its a beautiful thing to both witness and be a part of.

  13. I love that I don't give up and will slog through gross/unpleasant things to reach my goals.

    I love that this community works like crazy to get better, too. It's really inspiring to hang around a place where everyone just wants to get better, not at each other's expense, but as a crazy-whimsical writer team typing feverishly into the sunset. <3

  14. I love that I'm apparently determined to turn my life into a real-life musical, because I break out into song quite often (and I love that I've found friends who don't mind this/join in!)

    There are so many things I love about the online writing community, but the biggest thing is the fact that we're all, for the most part, complete and total strangers, but we're so willing to help each other out and super supportive of each other! I think that's a pretty amazing thing!

  15. I love that I have it in me to be creative at all. Life without creating something is simply a bleak existence.

    I love how much I've learned from this blog and this community - from very specific life savers like Save The Cat! to a more thorough understanding of how agents think, what they see when they look at queries, what they're looking for, to what readers respond to best.

    It's all good!

  16. I love that I am open to possibility.

    I love the positive energy here. It really is a safe space for sharing and growth.

  17. I love that I still haven't given up on writing and one day publishing.
    I love that when I feel like I should give up, when the whisper of doubt becomes a roar, this space reminds me to never give up.

  18. I love that I continue to try to be the best friend, mother, wife, caregiver, and writer I can, no matter how hard/challenging each of those things can be.

    I love the advice and the encouragement found on this site. I think it's amazing how we writers can pull together and help one another and remain civil about everything. But the thing I love most about MSFV is the hope it gives me. I'm not alone out there. Thanks Authoress and all the readers/commenters who make the MSFV experience as rewarding as it is. Happy V-day!

  19. I love my tenacity. I keep writing even when it isn't always easy or fun.

    I love Authoress for starting such a wonderful community for authors. Without her, there wouldn't be such a great community here.

  20. I love that I'm finally making myself really make time for writing.
    I love how supportive and encouraging other writers are of each other. We want all of us to get better and put our best work out there.
    Thanks, Authoress! MSFV is wonderful.

  21. I love that I can do the thing I love anywhere, any time and it doesn't cost anything.

    I love the blogging community for being so generous with information, resources, critiques and encouragement.

  22. I love how happy I am when I write. I would be dead inside with out it.

    I have met sooooo many great people through the writing community. I have read one MS in particular maybe 5 times now, and it's been so fun to see it progress. The author is sending it out today because it's a special day in her heart and I just KNOW that MS is going great places. I'm so proud of her. And I never would have known her if it weren't for this community!!

  23. I love the creative ideas that curl away inside my brain and wait for the right spark of light to unfurl themselves and glimmer on paper.

    And I love all the people that make the writing community a safe and friendly place to grow, especially Authoress (I want a hat like hers when I grow up).

  24. I love how I can read a sad or depressing news piece and find a way to make it into a novel.

    I love how everyone here at MSFV is supportive, constructive and so willing to share their works in progress with the rest of us.

  25. I love that I didn't waste another year before pursuing my (fiction) writing career.

    I love that I've been a part of the Miss Snark community for so long that Authoress recognized me as an "regular" in the last Baker's Dozen.

  26. I love how writing makes me feel.

    I love how everyone at MSFV is both willing to put their work out there for critique and to critique others' works.

  27. I truly, truly love my ability to keep a sense of humor about life when it throws you so many curve balls. What I love about this blog/community? The 'you can do it' attitude. I am new to writing and I have found some amazing people through this blog, or the writing community in general, and not one person has been condescending or nit-picky about my dreams of writing. We all all as one! <3 to you all!

  28. I love that when I start something, I throw myself into it with all I have.

    Although so far I've been shy and participated mostly as a lurker, I love the MSFV community for the support and lessons learned, and for making me want to stop being shy on the site and participate more fully.

  29. I love how I never give up and strive to get better as a writer.

    I love MSFV because as a writer I spend an incredible amount of time in my own world and its wonderful to see there are so many like minded people out there. It's inspirational. Happy Valentine's Day everyone :)x

  30. I love that my adult daughter still calls me "mommy" and sent me flowers.
    I love the Miss Snark's First Victim is never snarky.

  31. I love that I don't feel embarrassed about being geeky, dorky, or nerdy. I love that I have learned to embrace all the quirky things I love and that I'm able to squeal all over books and tv shows I love.

    I love that there is always so much good cheer on this site. I love the warm, welcoming, HAPPY atmosphere.

  32. I love that I can do something if I set my mind to it, like finding time in November to write over 1000 words each day.

    I love that everyone sees the critiques on other work here as something they can learn from and apply to their own work. I love how supportive we are of each little (or big!) success.

  33. I love that I am able to forgive easily, especially those who don't realize writing means more to me than just a way to pass my spare time.

    And this blog is a safe haven- a place to share, critique and learn without feeling embarrassed. Some day more than just my best friend will get to read something I write because of all of you:)

  34. When I read this blog post, I thought, well, I guess I don't quit, despite everything, so that's something I can love. Then I started reading the comments and see that most people have the same love about themselves. And that made me feel not so alone. So...

    I love that I don't quit, even when I really want to.

    And I love that this community is right there with me, doing the same.

  35. I love that I love to write, even if I never get published.

    I love all the opportunities here and the quality of critiques, and I really love Friday Fricasees.

  36. I love that I'm different. I used to think it was a bad thing, but I now know it isn't. I love dancing to Christmas songs with my grandkids in the middle of June. And I love the writing communities I'm part of, especially this one. The support and friendship is amazing.

  37. I love that I'm a good listener.

    I love that the Authoress provides us with the opportunity to be discovered, like Lana Turner on her stool at the soda fountain counter.

  38. I love that I continue to be a work in progress, and that I am finally in a place to enjoy and appreciate it.

    I love that MSFV is a place where dreaming big is encouraged and where dreams really can come true.

  39. I love my level-headedness. :)

    I love the positivity and supportiveness of this community.

  40. I love myself because Jesus loves me, and despite all my failings he is making me into something beautiful.

    I love the opportunities this community provides, and the hope that you provide, Authoress, with your personal blog posts! Seriously, you keep me going.

  41. I love that I'm able to come up with unique ideas for the stories I write. I love MSFV because the people here are always friendly and supportive, and they offer really helpful feedback.

    Thank you, Authoress, for creating this incredible community. Mwah!

  42. I love my big butt.

    Sorry, if that's vain lol

    And I love the blog posts. Simple, sweet, informative and fun.

  43. 1. I love that I take care of myself by not letting myself get bogged down by too many chores, responsibilities or commitments. I've learned to say "No."
    2. I love my CP group. They are the sweetest most supportive bunch - and they give perceptive and sensitive crits. :-)

  44. I love that my imagination can take me to the moon (...and beyond!).

    I love this community because it reminds me that writing is a journey--and we're all travelers sharing in the experience of it all.


  45. I love that I never give up, even when something gets me depressed. I love that even though I might not be where I want to be at the moment, I'm surrounded with love still.
    I love myself because I believe in God, and I believe He always makes a way.

    I love this blog because there are posts here I can relate with.

  46. I love the way ideas keep bubbling up in my "write" brain.
    And I love how the MSFV community kindly helps me sort them out, shape them up, and get them ready for future readers.

    A lovely, chocolaty Valentine's Day to all!

  47. I love that I am able to imagine worlds and put them into words to entertain people.

    I love that we're a community. I can post about a bad day or a frustration with writing and get plenty of support or humor to boost me up.

  48. I love the connection I have to nature which gives me the passion to pour words onto the page.

    I love that mentioning a post from this blog when meeting another writer, gives you an instant shared experience with that person (much like citing an incident from a Seinfeld episode).

  49. I love my not-so-curly hair and the crazy socks I sometimes wear.

    I love the fact I rhyme, nearly half the time.

    I love my sense of humor, and the fact I'm a late bloomer.

    (That's a lot of self-love!) As for you all, I love the fact that for a blog with Snark in the title, this must be one of the least snarky places on earth. Thanks for setting such a gracious and helpful tone, Authoress.

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

  50. I love my hair. Sounds silly, but it makes me happy to have thick blond hair.

    I love Theresa Milstein! She is a great blogger and so encouraging to everyone. I don't know what I would do without her. She started a FB group where we each log in each day and tell each other our progress. It we don't do something related to writing that day we owe $1. Thanks to Theresa's encouragement I only had to donate $36 for the whole of last year.

  51. Something I love about myself? I'm Tenacious (please note the capital T). What I love about this community is the selfless support of its members. Thanks to all of you (especially Authoress)!

  52. I love that I am honest. In my life and in my writing.

    I'm new to this community (this is only my second comment), but from what I've seen so far, it seems like everyone here supports each other! I love that.

    I would usually have trouble saying something I love about myself. But I'm taking a Compassion class and it's helped! This post reminded me of that class.

  53. I love that joy and laughter are central to my life. My chronic optimism fuels my writing even on those days when three or more rejection letters lie in my inbox/mailbox.
    This forum helps me stay optimistic with its bright orange carrot of hope....that I will get my novel published!

  54. I love that when I believe an issue is not fundamental to the advancement of humankind, I can be decidedly wishy-washy about it.

    I love the MSFV community's variety of perspectives--and the Authoress's bravery.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  55. I love that I can get excited about a full moon or a fat little bird sitting on my fence. The world is full a beauty that costs absolutely nothing to appreciate.

    I love the quality and consistency of this blog. The crits, the opportunities, the entries are all top notch.

  56. I love that I'm willing to work through my mistakes.

    I love all the kindness freely given to fellow writers.

  57. I love my bravery.

    As for this community, I love how supportive people are of each other, how genuine the interactions are, and how generous you are. Thank you.

  58. I love that I am becoming the person I have always wanted to be and I love this this blog for helping me get there.

  59. I love how darn HILARIOUS I am ;)

    I love all the opportunity and support on this blog!

  60. Lori A. Goldstein (@_lagold)February 14, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    I love giving myself the time to do what I love: write.

    A huge love shout out to Nat for being the most supportive beta ever (met through this blog!).

  61. I love that I'm a good mom.

    I love that this blog makes agents seem human and not quite so scary!

  62. I love my tenaciousness. And how I never give up on my dream of being a full-time writer.
    I love this blog because of all the support!

  63. I love that, even when this business beats me down, I can pick up and keep moving forward.

    I love the fact that this blog is specifically for writers to help writers. Writing is a lonely business and having other writers to share the ups and downs with really helps.

  64. I love myself because I have not given up on my dream to see my book published.

    I love the blog community because of the wonderful friends I have met who continually inspire me to never give up:)

  65. I love my ability to take things in stride (after a few minutes... errr, hours... of gnashing my teeth).

    And I love how you help other writers find their dreams here (even if we all don't comment as often as we should - we are learning and growing through MSFV).

  66. I love myself because I am pursuing writing even though I may never gain money or fame from it. In the past, I would never have allowed myself to do something that didn't have a tangible reward.

    I love this community for its supportive but honest nature.

  67. I love that I can always make my children laugh.

    I love this blog community because it's genuine, witty and actively helpful to aspiring writers :-)

  68. I love that I have created a life truly worth living.

    I love this community because it is loving and supportive. People showing up is a great thing.

  69. I love that I'm a creative person (not just in writing, but craft things too).

    I love MSFV community because I've learned valuable information from the participants here that has helped me improve as a writer.

  70. I love that I'm a bookworm.

    I love Authoress' selflessness and the sense of community she's created here.

  71. I love that I am enjoying the journey again.

    I love this community because I always leave here inspired and happy.

  72. What a fun idea! I love that I forgive and forget easily. I love this writing community because it feels like everyone is invested in each other's success. It makes me want to keep trying because I know there are a lot of people like me who are working hard too. Hugs to everyone!!!

  73. I love that I'm able to help writers. And I love the writing community! And they are hand-in-hand, and it is wonderful. Also I <3 this family a few hours from me. They're cool ;)

  74. Love this! :)

    I love that I'm an optimist.
    I LOVE this community for its generosity of spirit and the willingness of so many to help others out!

    (B&N doesn't like my Canadian address, so I'll let someone else win :))

  75. Totally agree with your philosophy about love. :)

    1. I love my height. Not too tall, not to short. Perfect. ;)

    2. I love how everybody in this community cheers each other on in every little success, even when any given person may be struggling with his/her own feelings of failure. It never ceases to amaze me!

    Happy Valentine's Day Authoress!

  76. I love that God doesn't give up on me and that I can remind myself there are much bigger problems than me getting published. I love that I have learned from mistakes and lost writer friends -- and that it hurt -- but that God placed others in my life to teach me new lessons.

    I love my chlidren's laughter and my husband's gruff affections. I love that my dog paws at the refrigerator for people food.

    I love this blog, because people are civil and kind, and it restores my faith. I love Authoress for prompting us this way, to express our gratitude for waht is meaningful.

  77. I love my toes. No, I'm not being self-deprecating. I have really cute toes that look great in flip flops (probably due to my swearing off heels after I took a tumble in a very public place, but that's another story).

    I love that this blog holds people feet to the fire (although it might damage their toes). If you want a critique, you must be willing to scratch other backs. Come to think of it, my back isn't so bad either.

  78. I love that my critique helps other writers.

    I love that MSFV runs a fun challenge that pulls the avid lurker into the comment box :)


  79. I love how I haven't given up on my dream even though some days it feels like a distant hope.
    I love the way this blog operates. I'm alway welcomed and inspired.

  80. I love that I am willing to change my mind and my ways when I get new and better information.

    I love that this community is so encouraging and talented!

  81. I love that I am a positive person.

    I love that this community is so full of amazing, creative, diverse ideas.

  82. 1. I love when I am rejected it makes me want to work harder and prove them wrong.

    2. I love that Authoress, MSFV site, and the followers are pay-it-forward kind of people. It makes me believe in the goodness of people and gives me hope.

  83. I love that being happy for other people comes easily to me. And I love the support we receive from each other in this community.

  84. 1. I love my magical ability to work out thorny plot problems by going to the gym (ultimate multi-tasking)

    2) I love the give and take of powerful encouragement that occurs in this space.

  85. I love that I make the most out of nearly every situation.

    I love that you believe in the same dream that I do.

    I love having Cupid in my corner. I'll hold your quiver any day.

  86. 1. Oh this is so hard, we're trained not to think that way about ourselves. But I love my open-mindedness and ability to accept.

    2. I love a lot of things about this community! I got several agent requests from a contest here, and I love that you donate so much of your time to helping other writers. It's tough out there for all of us, and everyone could have an every-man-for-himself mantra, but you don't. :)

  87. I love that I am a very patient person.
    I love that this community is filled with people who just get it. We lean on our friends, of course, but sometimes, as much as they try, they can't really understand what we're going through. It's so nice to be able to connect with people who feel your pain and offer immensely helpful cheer leading when we need it most.

  88. I love that I write for me first. It's my idea, my story, my dream. Once I've perfected it for me, then the sky's the limit.

    I love that I get excited when I open the email each day to see what delights/challenges/advice Authoress has for us.

  89. I love that I'm a fricking genius.

    I love that this community still loves me even though I say things like, "I'm a fricking genius."

  90. I love my competence and drive.

    I love that this community encourages writers (like me!) to put themselves and their work out there, and supports them in the process. And, of course, I love that this community is how I found my fabulous agent!

  91. Okay, here goes. (Loving oneself really is hard, isn't it??)

    I love that I'm passionate, even (maybe especially) about things that others consider silly.

    I love that people in this community give real, incredibly helpful criticism that's happily balanced by kindness and encouragement. In other words, an aspiring writer's dream!

  92. I love that I am confident enough to just be myself each and everyday.

    I love this blog for the fact that I can stop by on any given day and feel uplifted and motivated by all the support and goodwill.

  93. I love that I am starting to reach out to other writers.
    I love that this community is so friendly even to someone who mostly lurks.

  94. I love that I can write setting that blows people's minds. (I wish I could write tension, too)

    I love that this community is all about building each other up. It's what makes writing, even being such a solitary art, such an amazing profession.

  95. I love that I can still surprise myself sometimes...not only in my writing, but in life.

    I love that this community creates opportunities for so many writers.

  96. Couldn't check this yesterday due to a job interview/insanity combo, so let's see now...

    I love my ridiculousness (and yes, that is a thing. Being able to make myself laugh is a gift.)

    I love that this community is okay with people at different writing levels.

  97. I love that I have a huge imagination that sometimes takes over my real life.

    I love writer blogs that take the time and energy to host contests for aspiring writers, so that we'll have a better chance to get our work out there.

  98. I love that I am relentless and optimistic. I love love love this blog and the fact that MSFV takes the time to really help and explain aspiring writers and that the community here is super helpful and kind.

  99. I love my determination. My "make margaritas when life gives you lemons" attitude.

    And I love the honesty of the writing community. Crits are good, they help me grow.

  100. About myself: I love that I'm a lover of words, lover of writing/reading.

    About this blog: I love the strong collaborative air. I adore the strong sense of community.

  101. Gulp.

    I love that I am a good father. I think it's probably the most important thing I have ever done.

    As for the community, I love how supportive and helpful and inspiring it is.

  102. I love how much my family means to me. They are my world.

    I love how there are so many people, all working towards the same goal and willing to help each other achieve it.

    Thank you.

  103. I love that I am never bored. And I love that you've built such an amazing blog & community here (congratulations!).

  104. I love that I am passionate about stories. Reading them, writing them, discovering the stories in other people.

    I love this place where I can learn and become a better writer while still fulfilling my full-time job of mom.

  105. Okay, I'll take a stab at this, even though complimenting myself or even recognizing that there are parts of me that are possibly beautiful makes me feel overly narcissistic and vain.

    I love my blue hazel eyes. They look like there's a fire burning inside me--something so powerful in my soul that it can't be contained, and it is leaking out through my eyes.

    I love that this community is so strong and supportive. When someone goes off the deep end, the rest of the community gently puts them back on track, even going so far as to read feedback on excerpts not their own to offer specific differing opinions. And I love that this community isn't all roses and butterflies. If there's something genuinely in need of correction (grammar, voice, etc.), they say so. It's a beautiful, powerful thing.

  106. Maybe the third time is the charm.

    I love that I am compassionate.

    My other love:

    This community. It's a treasure trove of creativity and inspiration. First, Authororess drew me in with her gem of genuine interest in helping others writers write better, then I found a golden writing partner that is passionate and has the same writing schedule as me.

    So much LOVE here!

  107. I love my humor and knowing when best to use it....

  108. I love that I've experienced life, with it's pains and disappointments, to such a degree that I can support and empathize with others.

    And I love the honesty and wisdom that I've gleaned from others on this amazing site. Thank you, Authoress.

  109. What a lovely idea. :)
    I love that I'm a combination of practical and (sometimes overly) emotional. My parents are almost polar opposites and I'm a good combination of them.
    I love how encouraging everyone is in this community. I love that people really want to help others reach their goals and don't seem to view other writers as competition. It's kind of amazing. :)

  110. I love my creativity, and occasional acts of bravery (like posting here...)

    I love Friday Fricasse because more often than not, I can say 'Yes, exactly!' or 'That's me in a nutshell.' or something similar; it's like having a lunchtime conversation with a good friend.

  111. I'm fun to be with and I love the support and camaraderie of MSFV.

  112. I love that there were so many lovable and amazing writers out there to leave such words of love and wisdom on this site!

    As for me, I love that I'm such a freaking Pollyanna, which has taken me years and a life-threatening illness to realize. Even when the sky is at its darkest, there is a star up there for each of us, waiting for us to grab hold and believe. So ride that star to the heights of your wildest dreams and keep believing!

  113. Boy, that first one is hard! Okay, I love that I am willing to show vulnerability to others.

    I love that this blog has such a big group of thoughtful commenters.

  114. I love the new beauty marks on my neck.
    I love the way my teeth fit together.
    I love my laugh.

    I love this blog. Thanks, Authoress!

  115. I love that I am not judgemental about other people.

    I love this community because I get to connect with people who can relate to all the ups and downs of writing.

  116. I love that even on my bad days, I still want to cheer someone else up.

    I love reading comments and realizing I'm not the only writer that feels that way.
