
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another Indirect Success Story

Another happily-ever-after, in the author's own words:

Hey there! So I've got a success story for you . . . or made possible by you, I guess! Way back in September of 2011 I entered one of your fabulous Secret Agent contests (the secret agent was Jenny Bent) with an excerpt from a psychological thriller called THE TRAJECTORY OF DREAMS. I won a yellow ribbon, which was a 25-page manuscript review by Ms. Bent. I made some changes to manuscript and continue to query, but on a whim I submitted it to a small press out of California simply because they sounded interesting. I'm thrilled to announce that in May 2012, that small press bought the novel! The launch of the book is March 1, 2013 (I get stomach flutters just thinking of the launch in 2 days!).

But that's not the end. In January 2012 I entered your Drop the Needle contest (I was entry #1 with an excerpt from GALLOP). I got such constructive feedback on the scene, which helped me revise, and it might very well have helped me find representation. The fantastic Michelle Witte from Mansion Street Literary Management offered representation in July of 2012, which I quickly accepted.

What I'm really trying to say is thank you--all that you do for writers as part of Miss Snark's First Victim really does make a difference.

Best wishes,
Nicole Wolverton


  1. Hooray! Congratulations on your book birthday AND your representation! Here's to more success!

  2. Congratulations! I love success stories! Best wishes on your launch in two days!

  3. Congratulations! Will you kindly share the name of the small press?

    Wishing you continued success!

  4. Congrats, Nicole! And I agree, Authoress is wonderful with all that she does for us!

  5. Thanks, you guys!

    Skywriter--it's Bitingduck Press. Small and newish (although they bought out Boson Books, so I guess they're not so smallish anymore).

  6. Congratulations, Nicole! Gotta agree with you--Authoress does a lot for writers! She's wonderful!

  7. What a great idea! I love it. Simple and lovely article.

  8. Thanks for the info. Best wishes for a wonderful launch!
