
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


So here we go!

Voting is easy -- just read each logline, and write YES or NO in the comment box.  Your YES or NO means "Yes, this should go on to the next round," or "No, this should NOT go on to the next round."

IMPORTANT:  Please (please oh please) type your YES or NO first.  If you want to say more, fine. But PLEASE type your vote first. That makes counting the votes much, much easier.

Voting will close at 8:00 am tomorrow (Wednesday).  The top 20 entries will go on to Round 2, which will be judged by the illustrious Logline Queen, Holly Bodger.

Leave your questions below!  Otherwise, happy voting!!


  1. Question: can you vote if you participated in the contest?

  2. Yep! After all, the US president gets to vote on election day, yes? ;)

  3. Just like the last SA contest, this is too difficult to navigate. If you could put all entries on the same paeg as you used to do then we could scroll through....hereit is like getting3 or 4 entires per page and it gets tediousl to always go onto the next page.

  4. Melissawriter -- You should have said something during the SA contest! I always change the page settings, but lately I've been forgetting (too many balls in the air, I suppose). I will fix this right now -- thanks for pointing it out!

  5. Yes great. Oh it was unfortunate during the SA contest...anyone who was 40 and aboce probably for a lot of reads but after that it was just annoiyng to keep clicking "older posts" and wait for 4 or 5 entries to load. Yes, most unfortunate oversight for sure. I kept wondering whay I was not seeing the same names as usual but that def explains it. Just too much of a hassle - esp eith a slow comp.

  6. On the plus side, I don't think you missed anything, you just forgot. And, let's remember, that there were dozens (hundreds?) reading and leaving comments or just lurking. And no one said anything. Which means, no matter how far we think we have advanced, no one wants to be the bad guy and say something sucks.

  7. In terms of the prizes if someone prefers a first page critique rather than a query critique etc. is there any wiggle room there?
