
Monday, April 29, 2013

Secret Agent Unveiled: Kent D. Wolf

Huge thanks to the friendly, coolest-hair-ever Kent D. Wolf of Lippincott, Massie, McQuilkin.

Kent's Bio:

KENT D. WOLF began his publishing career in 1997 at Dalkey Archive Press. He then moved to Harcourt Trade Publishers where he headed the Subsidiary Rights Department, handling rights sales for many acclaimed authors, including Nobel Prize winners Octavio Paz, Günter Grass, and Jose Saramago and novelists Umberto Eco, Yann Martel, and Michel Faber. Kent represents a number of New York Times bestselling authors and is on the lookout for literary fiction, upmarket women's fiction, memoir, pop culture, all types of narrative nonfiction, and select YA/MG. He is a member of the Association of Authors' Representatives and PEN.

What Kent's looking for:

"I'm in the market for voice-driven YA, genre-bending debuts, and dark fiction that pushes buttons."

Winners forthcoming!


  1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and honest critique! I learned a lot not only from my own comments but also from reading all the ones you left on the other entries. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this :)

  2. Is it wrong to want to send a query to him just because he's cute?

  3. Lanette--that made me laugh out loud. Good way to start the day!

  4. LOL Lanette! Pretty sure that might be frowned upon. ;)

    (Though I did gush about his hair when he sent the photo...)

  5. Really appreciated Mr. Wolf's feedback as well as everyone else's. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.

  6. Looks like my entry, #37, was the only one Kent didn't comment on. He must have missed it?

  7. Megan -- Probably Blogger ate the comment (it does that sometimes). I will let Kent know!

  8. Megan -- Apparently Kent goofed and left your critique under his real name. So you'll find it there! LOL

  9. That's funny! Thanks for looking into it for me. :)

  10. I've read stories that secret agents in retirement often start farming, flowers, water plants and various plants. They have so much money that they don't know how to invest them, so they just start growing flowers and fruits. Why not? I think that every man should have a hobby that he's interested in.
