
Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Fricassee

Sorry this is so late!

(Well, I assume everyone notices, just because I'm anal about getting the Friday blog post out very early.)

Anyway, I'm back from an overnight writing getaway.  It was fabulous, and much-needed.  I wrote 4000 words in a 24-hour period, which, for me, is unheard of.

I mean, that's 4 days' worth of writing!  So, yeah, I'm feeling really good about that.

There were horses and a bullfrog and a dog that insisted on licking my elbows and thighs.  (If you don't know how much I hate dogs, then YOU DON'T KNOW ME.)  In the dog's favor, she was truly the BEST BEHAVED CANINE I've ever met.  She was a farm dog with free reign of the land, yet SHE NEVER BARKED.  Not once.  When we arrived, she escorted us up the steps to the loft where we were staying.  When we said, "Sit!", she sat immediately.

Kudos to the owner, right?

There were two other dogs, too, who ALSO NEVER BARKED.  But they were lazy and disinclined to visit us.

So I'm refreshed and happy.  (Not because of the dogs.) And that's a good way to start off the weekend.



(No.  It's not a sale.  I would never stick that in the middle of a Fricassee.)

The Really Good News is:  MY CAT HAS COME HOME!

My dearest Lucy showed up in our neighbor's yard on Monday evening.  Apparently, my neighbor called out to Mr. A, "Hey, that cat of yours is here."  So my dear husband (who is allergic to cats), spent at least ten minutes trying to coax Lucy onto our property.  I was in the bedroom doing ballet stretches, when I heard my husband calling, "Lucy!  Luuuuucy!"

I ran to the window and said, "WHY ARE YOU CALLING LUCY?"

And Mr. A, with characteristic nonchalance, said, "She's out here."

Needless to say, when I finally made it out the front door (in my jammies) and called to her, and she came slinking through the bushes to me, I LOST IT A LITTLE BIT.

She was so thin--bones draped with fur.  Light as fluff.  But otherwise unscathed, and as affectionate as ever.

Stupid cat.

And, of course, she's been acting like nothing happened.  As though it's perfectly normal to disappear for more than a month, and then show up again without warning.

No matter.  I love her so much, and I'm so thankful she's back.  (The picture above was taken the morning after her return.)

Huge thanks to so many of you who offered words of support and encouragement when she went missing.  It helped me stay in a hope place.  

And that's enough rambling for today.  I've got to unpack and figure out what to do for dinner (a restaurant sounds good).

See you Monday!


  1. So happy you have your Lucy back.

    Was she....err...fixed....before the disappearance? Might you have a litter of mini-Lucys in a few months?

  2. So glad your cat came back. It's amazing how they do that. I had one that vanished for several months before coming back. Then she left again a few months later. Who knows where to?

  3. Hope you spend the weekend enjoying your reunion and inspired with more of words.

  4. It's a lovely cat and I'm happy for you she came back.

  5. I'm thrilled for you (and Lucy) that she returned! Also--I'm not a huge fan of dogs, either, but am often reluctant to admit it publicly. It seems everyone loves dogs and they think I'm a sociopath or something when I say that while I like them, I'm not in love with them or anything. I'd much rather have a cat.

  6. Aw, the prodigal cat. Glad came back to her family!

  7. Wonderful news! Glad Lucy has returned safely.

  8. I'm so glad for both you and Lucy that you've reunited. Hope she decides she's had enough of the wanderer life for good.

  9. The cat came back the very next day...

    See, we told you she could come home. I'm always amazed by the adventures cats sometimes go on. So happy she's home.

  10. Lucy is baaack!!!! So happy, I know I'd b:)

  11. Aw, kitty (stupid) sweet kitty. I have chased runaway cats many times--including a Lucy, but her brother was the one always trying to break out. A month is a long time to be gone, I'm so glad your cat is back with you. I wonder if she's learned her lesson?

  12. Yippie! I'm so thrilled your cat came home. That's put a real smile on my face - thanks for sharing. :-)

  13. That's awesome! Nothing beats getting a pet back. What great news.

  14. Yayyy!!!! Yay on kitty coming home. So good! And Yay on 4,000 words. I'm in awe.

  15. Hooray! I love a happy ending. Silly kitty, no more wild walkabouts for you!

  16. I'm so glad your cat is home.

    And congrats on the 4,000 words. I don't think I've ever written that many in 24 hrs.

  17. Oh, I seriously teared up a bit at your wonderful news! Congratulations on such a wonderful start to the weekend.

  18. SO happy for you and your beautiful Lucy! Uh. . . is she wearing a luggage tag? You just never know with cats. And congrats on the 4k!

  19. I'm so happy for you that you got your girl back. A very happy ending! She looks good.

  20. Your cat is back! Having been in that place of worry more than once (one time for three months before a safe return), I know how horrible it can be.

    And 4 days writing in 24-hours is worth a celebration, too! Glad this week has turned into a week of good news for you.

  21. Cats rock. I'm glad your girl came home, and hope she enjoyed her adventures. Now, go and spoil her rotten. Or maybe write a kids story about her travels.

  22. I'm so glad Lucy came home safe and sound!!

  23. I'm ecstatic for you. (and Lucy)

  24. Don't you just wonder what that Little Lucy's been up to? Curious as a cat :)

  25. I'm so happy to hear Lucy Cat is safely home. Cars are silly creatures, but they capture our hearts just the same. I've got three of my own. I don't know what I'd do if one of them disappeared for a month!

  26. This is great :) Totally put a smile on my face. So happy for you!!!

  27. I can't believe Lucy didn't tell you where she'd been. Cats are that. Oh, just went for a month-long hike. Hi there, come pet me, I love you.

  28. This made my day. I teared up at hearing the good news, so I can only imagine how you felt. :)
    Rejoicing in the return of your fuzzy friend.

  29. Wow! Lucy came back! I am so happy for you! Sorry I'm just getting to read your last week's good news. Have you heard form anyone where she was? You've made my day with your news of Lucy coming back! Thank you for letting us know. I had been wondering and what a cute kitty pic. Love her up!
