
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Adorable Editor #2

Adorable Editor #2


  1. Kat Brzozowski

    Vicki Orians
    CATCH ME WHEN I FALL/YA Paranormal Romance: “Being a Dreamcatcher isn’t as bad as you make it out to be, Daniel,” my partner, Marlene, said.

  2. Gabrielle Harbowy

    Louisa Klein
    Supernatural Freak/New Adults urban fantasy: Being alone, at night, in the middle of nowhere, is a scary situation.

  3. Kat Brzozowski

    Persistence of Shadows/Thriller: I see the man’s head before anything else, before his hunched shoulders or the two figures running in front.

  4. Alison Weiss

    TRULY AND FOREVER/Speculative YA: Of all the examination rooms in Dr. Jack's office, Room 3 was the one I hated most.

  5. Kat Brzozowski

    A Hundred Frogs, Even/MG Contemporary: I would have given Mom a good-bye hug, but StepThad’s arm rested across her shoulder, like the two of them were glued together.

  6. Alison Weiss

    Million Dollar Lunch / MG Contemporary: It was only the first day of food camp, and already Rome knew two things: one, there was such a thing as a mortal enemy, and two, it was going to be really tough to beat said enemy with a little sister at his side.

  7. Kat Brzozowski

    The Keepers/ YA Fantasy: The hunger cramps crept into the hollow insides of my body, silent and sly.

  8. Alison Weiss

    Jamie Gilman Kress
    WILD LIFE / Adult Urban Fantasy: Vegas seared the eyes of normal people.

  9. Kat Brzozowski

    SUMMONED/YA supernatural suspense:

    I must be crazy working after school as a nurses' aide at a mental hospital where so many weird things happen.

  10. Alison Weiss

    ASHER LOCKE AND THE KNIGHTS OF ARCADIA / MG Fantasy Adventure: The straight razor made a whispery snikt as Asher freed the shiny edge from its metal handle.

  11. Gabrielle Harbowy

    TAKING CHARGE/Contemporary: Brody Lang was getting laid, he just didn't know it yet.

  12. Kat Brzozowski

    Kat McMahon

    There is no one I can trust to find Gideon Jones for me, if he is dead, it’s my fault.

  13. Alison Weiss

    Hanna and the Horsemen/ YA Fantasy: The problem with having Death for a father is that he can be anywhere, at anytime.

  14. Alison Weiss

    ALIEN PREP SCHOOL CONSPIRACY / YA science fiction: When Gil and Lew came to my dorm room with the idea of stealing the physics final, I normally wouldn’t have considered such a dumbass move.

  15. Gabrielle Harbowy

    KNIGHT FALL/adult science fiction:As a card caring scientist, I knew a lot of things: gravity sucked, sound didn’t travel through a vacuum, and chocolate really could make me feel better.

  16. Sara Sargent

    The Silver Sphere/MG Fantasy: "What do you think it is?" Maya asked as she and her older sister Cecilia stood in a narrow alleyway between two shops, staring at a hovering silver sphere.

  17. Allison Weiss

    ELUDING ILLUSIONS - Paranormal Romantic-Suspense: The clang of the grandfather clock rang out five times; the sixth strike sent a pang of fear through Emma's body.

  18. Kat Brzozowski

    INNER FLAME/YA Fantasy: Everything ends.

  19. Kat Brzozowski

    An Absence of Light / NA Sci-fi:

    The dead don’t blink.

  20. Stacy Abrams

    DESIDERIUM/YA Fantasy: A blinking yellow light draws my gaze to the steel band clinging to my wrist.

  21. Gabrielle Harbowy

    J5/YA Alternate History: Tacked to the wall in a wooden frame, a rustic little impostor amid much finer furnishings, our family portrait mocks us.

  22. Gabrielle Harbowy

    ANOMALY/YA FANTASY: I was born to stand out, but I always seem to fade into the background.

  23. Alison Weiss

    Dragons Are People, Too/YA Urban Fantasy: Well, crap.

  24. Claire Evans

    Somebody That I Used To Know / YA Contemporary: I tear my gaze from the email's subject line to the sender's name, and adrenaline floods my veins, flushing out the numbness that sustained me these last few months.

  25. Kat Brzozowski

    The Dragon's Pearl/YA Fantasy: Once upon a time, there was a girl named Misha who was neither kind nor beautiful, but very smart.

  26. Kat Brzozowski

    CRASH DAYS / YA Literary Thriller: I believed in the healing power of parking garages.

  27. TS Ferguson

    I Found You: YA Contemporary

    The motorcycle caught my eye first, but the rider took my breath away.

  28. Stacy Abrams

    Demon Invasion/MG Fantasy Adventure: Huff was missing.

  29. Sara

    The New Eden Chronicles: YA SF Thriller

    Theresa’s a kicker--Mama and I struggle to keep her in the kitchen chair so the medics can find a vein and fill a vial with her blood.

  30. Stacy Abrams

    Beyond the River/Literary Fiction: The narrow path led up and away from the rushing water to where the forest thwarted the sun and the river’s hiss diminished.

  31. Sara Sargent

    Pirate Island/MG mystery: My best friend, Andy, strode into our summer writing class, his eyes widening in horror when he caught me airing out my pits, arms dangling to the sides gorilla style.

  32. Claire Evans

    The Legacy of the Eye/Sci-fi Romance: It might have been a symbolic gesture, but I was not budging.

  33. Gabrielle Harbowy

    The Return of the Mirage/YA Mystery

    I step up onto the concrete wall outside the Thrifty Inn and shade my eyes from the low sun, straining for a glimpse of the Speedway.

  34. Sara Sargent

    Operation Witches/MG Contemporary: I knew Shannyn was going to lie before she opened her mouth.

  35. Sara Sargent

    The Truth About Leaving/ YA Contemporary: The first time I met Dov, I was twirling in the foyer of Wilmette Academy.

  36. Alison Weiss

    Meditation/YA Thriller: I’m not sure what wakes me up first, the pounding in my head, or the cold concrete floor I’m lying on.

  37. Stacy Abrams

    DEATH BY HIGH HEELS/Mystery: Cops hate it when you vomit all over their crime scene – a mistake I had no desire to repeat.

  38. Kat Brzozowski

    Twelve Steps / YA Contemporary: There should be a support group for kids with perfect siblings.

  39. Gabrielle Harbowy

    DRAGONEER/YA Fantasy: “Reyna, a princess does not spin about like some circus performer.”

  40. Kat Brzozowski

    Heart of Stone/YA Historical Supernatural: The carriage ride down from London has been brutal, but we dare not shift in our seats as long as Mama is watching.

  41. Kat Brzozowski

    BLOODFRUIT/ YA Urban Fantasy: A no-kill order was unprecedented in Hell.

  42. Claire Evans

    Book Realm: The Keeper's Heartstone/MG Fantasy: Careful not to smudge the sparkling clean glass, I peer through the door of Read It & Weep.

  43. Kat Brzozowski

    BECOMING HERO/YA High-Concept: Skye ignored the stench of the banana peels and burger wrappers crushed against his face as he forced himself to breathe steady.

    (Sure hope this comment posts! Site isn't too mobile friendly, and I don't have internet on my computer, so if I've posted multiply by accident I really do apologize!)


  44. Kat Brzozowski

    EDGE OF LIFE/YA Contemporary Romance with Magical Realism: Leaning forward, I looked down.

  45. Sara Sargent

    Arrows/YA contemporary myth retelling: Karma didn’t see me the night I made her fall in love.

  46. Alison Weiss

    According to Legends/MG Fantasy: In the quiet stillness of Imaginatia, a river waited.

  47. Sara Sargent

    Mutiny/Space Opera: Mac's face burned from lying on hot sand.

  48. Sara Sargent, Harper Collins


    Commercial Fiction

    Stretching as he exited his car, Jimmy Rickliefs smiled; it was good to be home.

  49. Sara Sargent

    Heritage Blade Awakening/YA Urban Fantasy: Killing was one of those things that grew easier with time, that and tight rope walking.

  50. Kat Brzozowski

    The Gear'd Heart/NA SteamPunk: The clouds thickened as Keira picked her way down the muddy slope toward the grotto.

  51. Kat Brzozowski

    NUMBERED/YA Horror:

    Our families were tight, but it was obvious Karen's mom was nervous having me in the house.

  52. Sara Sargent

    Dragon's Treasure/ NA Fantasy: A bone-deep tremor snaked down Olivia’s back as she hurried along through the unfamiliar forest.

  53. Stacy Abrams

    RAINBOW TEARS/Upmarket Women's Fiction: I was 392 days old when my big brother died.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Gabrielle Harbowy

    The Kingdom Legend: Beyond the Castle Walls/Middle Grade Fantasy

    Agmund’s dark hair and eyes mimicked his father’s, but he wasn’t human.

  56. Kat Brzozowski.

    Little Devils/ MG Fantasy.

    The second worst feeling in the world is realising you’ve just done something mammothly, brontosaurusly stupid.

  57. Claire Evans

    The God of Many Faces/YA Fantasy

    The second time Miya was almost kidnapped (they made it all the way to the van), her mother sat her down on the bed and gave her the talk.

  58. Kat Brzozowski

    Sarita/Middle Grade Historical: “ELI DID WHAT?”

  59. Claire Evans

    The Princess Who Was Not/MG Fantasy

    “You are not my daughter.”

  60. Kat Brzozowski

    FutureShock/YA time travel: "They can take our freedom, but they can never take our French fries!"

  61. Gabrielle Harbowy

    A Pretty Pirate Pickle/MG Contemporary: Only two things stand between me and the front end of my daddy's ship--two tall, loud things with bad jump shots.
