
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Authoress Edits--July Special

Call this an experiment, if you will.  I've stayed away, for the most part, from query critiques on the blog (because I'm not a fan of the crowd-critted query).  But throwing in a personal query critique as a bonus for new clients for a week seems like a good way for me to offer something query-related without actually charging for it.  A gift, really.

So here's the deal:

If you sign up for a critique between now and July 8 (by midnight EDT), I'll throw in a critique of your query letter.

That's it, really.  All new clients who send in their down payment and chapters by the deadline will receive the query critique free of charge.

Here is the AUTHORESS EDITS FACEBOOK PAGE for more info.

Or simply email me at authoress.edits(at)

(Reminder:  There is a 3-month waiting period after you've sent your materials.  I continue to try to close this gap to 2 months, but I'm not there yet.)

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