
Monday, July 8, 2013

If you entered or are entering today, PLEASE READ THIS!

So I messed up.  As in, forgot to set the contest to "lottery".

That's why the bot shut things down once 50 entries were received.

NEVER FEAR!  I've reopened the contest.  But please note:  THERE WILL NOT BE ANY LOTTERY NUMBERS.  Because I goofed.

So I will be doing the lottery by hand.  Submissions will remain open until 7 pm EDT as promised.  After then, I will use a random number generator to choose the 50 winning entries.

It's the best I can do.  I'm sorry!  This is what happens when I change my mind midstream (originally it was NOT going to be a lottery).

Hang with me!  We'll work it out.


  1. FYI .. if you were one of the first 50, don't re-renter. I tried and was rejected, so the original submissions did go through.

  2. Correct. There is NO NEED TO REENTER. Michael is manually adding all the original entries to the lottery. It doesn't matter that you did not receive an email with a lottery number: REST ASSURED YOUR ENTRY WILL BE INCLUDED!

  3. Luv2eatread&writeJuly 8, 2013 at 4:02 PM

    The link that was sent to me so I could see my entry is no longer valid. Will I still be able to see my submission online?

  4. I just made the first cut at #49, maybe I'll make the actual cut.

  5. If you were in the first 50, you can still preview your entry by using the following link:

    Replace XXXXXX with your lottery number exactly as it was emailed to you.

    If you have any issues, just reply to the email with your lottery number as those are directed to me for the first 50 entrants.

  6. Thank you, Authoress and Michael. :)

  7. WHEEEW. Remembered this while I was out on my bike. I had to pedal like crazy. The last two miles is almost all uphill. Made with two
    minutes to spare.

    Thanks Authoressa.
    (The 'a' was a typo but it made me giggle, so I left it.

  8. I made it into through the lottery! Thank you! What happens now?

  9. How do you find out that you made it or not?

  10. I made it through also. Are they posted somewhere? I am confused..
    Thanks for doing this awesome contest.

  11. @Red, Lynn and GKByrne If your submission is chosen you will get an eMail from Authoress with the post number. She'll post the entries as soon as she can, and then everyone whose story got posted has to comment (helpfully) on at least 5 other entries.

    @Authoress and Michael
    Thank you for going to all the trouble of rearranging the lottery. We are all very grateful.
