
Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Fricassee

Hooray!  Friday!

I'm a tad excited because I've cleared my morning so that I can spend it writing.  This isn't the norm, so I'm a bit giddy.  If I had my druthers (that must be a real word, since spellchecker thinks so), I would always write in the morning.  From 6:30 straight until lunch.  That, right there, is my dream life.

At any rate, submissions for the Critique Partner Dating Service are open until noon EDT today, and the entries (and dating service rules) will post on Tuesday morning.  I'm hopeful that some more good pairings will happen!  If, when you see your post, there's an error or omission (such as a missing email), please let me know.  I will make all necessary changes.

And finally, without belaboring the point--I was admittedly taken aback by the flurry of defensive, oh-but-you're-so-wrong responses to Wednesday's post, both here and at other places on the web.  Honestly?  When someone shares her dream and her personal reasons for pursuing it, that's not the time to proselytize your own point of view (at least, not here; you can say anything you want in your own communities).  I didn't disparage anyone else's decision or point out what was wrong with someone else's experience or viewpoint.

What I did say was this:  Really, it's all good.  The most important thing is for each of us to understand what we want and why we want it.  And then to grab it with both hands and hang on for dear life.

I do appreciate the two or three thoughtful responses from Indie writers, though, and naturally those are the ones I'll keep in mind.

Really, folks.  You're allowed to be passionate about what you do, and you're allowed to think that someone else's idea or approach or opinion doesn't smell so great.  But when someone says, "This is what I want and this is why I want it," that's not your cue to jump all over her and spout all the reasons why she's wrong.

Dreams aren't wrong, dear ones.  (And I know that you, my regular and beloved readers, already know this.)

At any rate, I'm off to begin my Happy Morning.  (Afternoons are for naps.  Why can't it work out that way?)  As always, thanks for who you are--and have a delightful weekend!


  1. I'm sorry to hear the response to your dream was so negative and over the top. Everyone is entitled to pursue the dream of their heart, regardless of its seeming fault or foolhardiness in the eyes of others. That isn't to say I find your dream to be either of those, to be clear. It's one I happen to share, though there are certainly moments when I wonder at my decision. Moments when I think perhaps I'm the biggest fool of all. But then, I'm convinced every dreamer must struggle through doubt upon ocassion. The bigger the dream, the more difficult the journey. Or so I tell myself. ;)

  2. As for the critique partner dating service, I made a few great connections a couple years back through the service. At least one was a lasting connection, so I highly recommend!

  3. Just went back and read the post. Thank you for stating so clearly exactly what I feel. I have a dream, and its the same as yours.

  4. I totally support your dream, Authoress. It was mine too, and still is. I've made it into traditional publishing, but I've also dipped my toes in the self-publishing pool just to see what it's like. It's not for everyone. So far, I prefer the trad route, but I haven't given up. I have plans to continue doing both. Hang in there, Authoress! I have all the faith in the world in you. :) You'll get your dream someday. I can feel it.

  5. Authoress: I echo the sentiments expressed here. Writers seem to passionately argue on the issue of traditional versus self-publishing. Like you, I'd prefer the traditional path, but might consider a hybrid approach if the stars align that way. Thing is, it's also a matter of your work resonating with readers, no matter which venue you choose (self pubbed versus trad). I can only work on improving, can't predict the dang market, dwindling or changing readership, etc.

    What works for one person won't for another writer. And so it goes. As long as we're civilized and 'own' our opinions, rather than stating them as 'facts.' Because that's really what a lot of this is -- opinion, (on how to get there) versus facts, (sales and developing a readership).

  6. Sorry you had to deal with the Negative Nancy's of the world. Keep in mind that most people act in this manner out of an insecurity for their own decision, whatever it is. They believe that disparaging your path gives credence to their own decisions.

    It happens in all arenas of the publishing world, both sides of the political aisle and everywhere else two people have differing viewpoints.

    Just do what you do and stay focused on the things that bring you joy. Write on writer.
