
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

An Indirect Baker's Dozen Success!

These are the best emails.  And sharing them is even better!  With the author's permission:

I was entry #50 in Baker's Dozen 2013, a goal I had been trying to achieve for a few years (getting into the Baker's Dozen auction, not being #50) (though being #50 was nice and easy to remember).

I walked away with a full request, which was great! And after the exclusive week was up, I got another request from a lurking agent, which was also great!

Shortly after that, though, I got an offer of rep on my manuscript. And then another. When it was all said and done, I got 7 offers of rep on my YA fantasy ALL THAT REMAINS, including ones from both of my Baker's Dozen requests.

In the end, though, after a lot of consideration (and stress and worry and excitement) I signed with Mollie Glick of Foundry Literary + Media!

Thanks so much for all the help and support you give the bogging writing community. More than one of the offers were from agents who'd requested stuff from me in the past because of one of your contests, and many agents I found and queried because of the Secret Agent contests.

Sarah Ahiers


  1. WOO! Thank you so much, Authoress!

    And i forgot to mention that this was my MS that i used your editing services for.

    So, you know peeps, she's good at what she does

  2. Yay Sarah!

    I love these stories, they make me smile!
