
Monday, June 2, 2014

Editing Services: One Opening For June

I'll be leaving for vacation in a week and a half, but I have created time for myself this week to take on one Premiere Critique.  (I didn't offer one last month, so if you've been waiting, here ya go!)

The Premiere Critique:
  • detailed line edit of your first 75 pages
  • editorial letter
  • one-week turnaround
  • $260, half up front (via Paypal)
If you would like to hire me for this service, email me at authoressedits(at)  I will fill the slot on a first come, first served basis.

I will be accepting more 3-page edits again in July.  And I continue to accept my basic 30-page edits, which have a 1- to 2-month turnaround.


  1. I'm still editing my first 75, otherwise I'd be all over this.

  2. I generally offer 1 per month, so there's always July...or August...or.... :)
