
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Editing Slots Open for July!

Vacation is over (alas! alas!) and AUTHORESS EDITS is back in business.

I have space for 2 (yes! two!) PREMIERE CRITIQUES during the month of July.  For those of you who have been waiting, here's your chance!

A Premiere Critique includes:
  • a detailed line-edit of your first 75 pages (no first drafts, please)
  • an editorial letter
  • a guaranteed 1-week turnaround
Cost:  $260

As always, I will accept new clients on a first come, first served basis.  Email me at authoress.edits(at) if you would like to secure a spot.  I require a 50% down payment.

For those of you who are interested in my normal 30-page critique:  Good news!  I've caught up, and right now my response time is 1 month or less.  The sooner you get your name in the queue, the more likely you will be to get your critique back pretty darn fast.

My regular 30-page critique includes:
  • a detailed line edit of your first 30 pages (no first drafts, please)
  • an editorial letter
  • 1 month or shorter response time
Cost:  $95 

Email me to secure your spot in the queue.  The down payment is $50.

FUN FUN FUN: I'm accept 3-page critiques again!

A line edit of your first 3 pages will cost you $18.  The turnaround is 1 to 4 weeks.


If you're looking for a content edit (and NOT a line edit!), my irreplaceable critique partner, Julie Butcher, is your gal.  Her editing window will be open July 7 - 31, and she's GOOD at this.  Prices and contact information are HERE.

And, finally, a reminder that trusted critique partners should always be the first step in your editing process!  When you're ready to go to the next level, I'm here for you.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're back! And that you had a good vacation.
