
Monday, August 4, 2014

A Monday Success Story

(Because what better way is there to start the week?)

Here it is, in the author's own words:

Hi Authoress,

First, thank you for the clarifying blog post about your e-mail accounts! Otherwise I wouldn't have known how to send this.

I've visited your blog regularly for the past five years for inspiration, encouragement, to learn about the industry, and to take advantage of contests and critique opportunities.

I was lucky to get a spot in the Feb. 2013 secret agent contest with a YA Fantasy I was querying. I didn't get a request, but I think it was something that needed to happen. Even though, as Beth Revis would say it was a "book of my heart," I knew it was time to move on.

After that I finished up a YA contemporary. I was fortunate to participate in the October 2013 Logline critiques, but sadly did not make the Baker's Dozen cut. You kindly offered 3 page critiques, so I sent you my pages. Your feedback was very helpful.

I took your suggestions and rewrote the first 15-20% of my novel and then entered the query pool. I was getting full requests! From multiple agents.

And then I waited. And waited.

I tried my luck at the May 2014 Secret Agent Contest, but the bot didn't choose my number.

In July I received an offer! And more requests!! And another offer!!!

I'm thrilled to say that I've signed with Adriann Ranta of Wolf Literary Services.

You've played an ongoing role in my development as a writer. Not just because of the critiques and contests. You inspired me to keep dreaming and persevering. I want to thank you and send a hug across cyber space.

Happy dancing and writing!

Best wishes,

Anita Saxena


It gets better!  Anita also created this video to celebrate her success (and it had me in tears):


(I am beyond annoyed that Blogger wouldn't let me upload this so that you could watch it right here.  Trust me, I tried.)

All best to you, Anita!


  1. Congrstulations! And the video was AWESOME! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you everyone for the congratulations! And thank you Authoress for being such a positive force in the writing community!

  3. Lovely video! Congratulations, Anita, and thanks to you and Authoress for sharing. It's an encouraging story. All the best to you!

  4. Oh--and how did you get my feral calico to cuddle with you? She's an escape artist and loves to wander, so I'm not surprised she showed up in your video.

  5. Love the video! What an inspiring story of your journey to finding an agent. I wish you all the best in finding a home for your stories!! :)


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  7. Congratulations, Anita! And what a lovely little video -- such a nice way to share your news. :)
