
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Are You Hooked?" -- Adult Fiction

Since this month's Secret Agent contest included only children's literature, I'm opening submissions today for adult fiction.

Want some solid critique on your first 250 words?  Enter them between noon and 6 pm EDT tomorrow!  The bot will pick 25 entries, which will post on Thursday morning for critique.

This critique round is open to all manuscripts, complete or incomplete.  (Note: please proofread before submitting.)  All adult genres except erotica and erotic romance are included.

Submit your entry HERE.

Questions below!


  1. Do we include any info like genre or title in the submission, or just the first 250 words on their own?

  2. Is this also an agent critique?

  3. Alisa -- You will see a place on the web form to enter your title and genre.

    Anon -- No, this is an in-house critique. That's why WIPs are included.

  4. I clicked the link but it said there were no contests at this time.

  5. That's because it doesn't open until tomorrow. :)

  6. Can you tell I am tired and migraine-riddled???

    I will come back tomorrow. Thanks!

  7. My apologies. I just hit submit because a friend told me about the contest....but I missed the fact that only adult entries were welcome. Mine is YA contemporary. :(

    Please remove my entry from the contest. Sorry for the inconvenience.
