
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It's The Official Opening of Baker's Dozen Season!

So I've been teasing your eyes with dates and promises, but now that our September Secret Agent Contest has closed, it's official:  the BAKER'S DOZEN AGENT AUCTION has arrived!

What does this mean?

Well, in the coming weeks, this is what you're in for:

WEDNESDAY SUCCESS STORY SHOWCASES:  Each Wednesday from now until right before submissions open, I will be showcasing one of our BAKER'S DOZEN WINNERS from previous years.  Bring popcorn!  It's super exciting to see what past winners are up to now.

PARTICIPATING EDITORS AND AUTHORS:  Keep your eye out for the announcement (and showcase) of this year's editors and published authors, who will be critiquing the entries.

THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR PARTICIPATING AGENTS:  All 20 of them!  Yes, 20.  I can smell the blood already.

3 LOGLINE CRITIQUE ROUNDS:  This is to help you get ready to enter the Baker's Dozen, which requires a logline in addition to your first 250 words.

HEADS UP:  Submissions for the first LOGLINE CRITIQUE ROUND will be this coming Monday, September 22.   The submission window will be open from 9 to 5 EDT, and the bot will randomly choose 40 entries after the close of submissions.  I will post detailed submission instructions on Thursday.

The official Baker's Dozen Agent Auction schedule is RIGHT HERE.

This is our FIFTH BAKER'S DOZEN, folks -- FIFTH!  Worthy of some hoopla, yes?

Let the chaos fun begin!

(Feel free to post questions below.)


  1. Is it really EDT for closing time? Last time I noticed that although the note said EDT, the submissions closed MDT. Just curious, and thanks...

  2. You didn't get much hoopla because everybody ran to their computers to get busy writing, me included!

    So here's a big WOO-HOO for BD 2014 and all the work you do for us. We love you!!!

  3. Awwww, thanks, DJ! ***hugs***

    Anon -- It's always EDT for closing time. During the last contest, I made a mistake when I created the contest. The reason the submission form is in MDT is because that's where my programmer lives. So if the contest is announced as closing at 5 pm EDT, the submission form will say 3 pm MDT. It's the same time. :)

  4. On the EDT/MDT, it was 4:30 here, EDT, but the form wouldn't let me submit- that's why I was curious. I'll just try to get around earlier next time!

  5. Anon -- Yes, I know; that's because I made a mistake when I created that contest. It was my fault; it wasn't a time zone discrepancy. :)

  6. Can I submit a novel that has a new beginning even if I submitted it to the baker's dozen two years ago (2012)?

  7. If it's been revised, then, yes, Mark!
