
Friday, October 24, 2014

ATTENTION: Extra Logline Critique Available

For the second year in a row, one of our dedicated readers is offering her blog for a logline critique session for those of you WHO ENTERED THE LOGLINE CRITIQUE SESSIONS ON MSFV BUT DID NOT GET PICKED.  Now's your chance to get some feedback, after all!


I am hosting another logline critique session on my website. Since I can’t handle too many, I will post thirteen loglines for critique, in honor of the original ‘Baker’s Dozen’, as I did last year. This time I’m asking that anyone interested in submitting their logline for critique send it to me in an email, and I will post the first thirteen legitimate logline entries I receive that follow the rules.

When I say legitimate logline, I mean that it can’t be a tagline or something else that shows that you haven’t done any research on loglines or spent any time reviewing the other logline critiques. Of course your logline may be far from perfect--that’s why we’re trying to help each other improve them--but there’s no excuse for submitting something that shows that you have no idea what a logline is; Authoress has made plenty of information on loglines available here.

Here are the rules for this logline critique:

- This is only for those who are entering Baker’s Dozen but who did not get into one of the three logline critique rounds (either because your entry was never picked or you didn’t get a chance to submit).

- The submission window begins Saturday morning at 9:00 AM MST and ends at 5:00 PM MST. Yes, that’s Mountain Standard Time, since I’m out here in the wild west--and I’m afraid I’m terrible at keeping track of time zones and daylight savings time (which we don’t have in my state), so you will have to figure out what time that is in your own time zone.

- Send your logline in an email to lcm(at) The title of your email must say ‘Baker’s Dozen Logline Critique’.

- In the body of your email, please put the following information:


Age Category: XXXXX


Then type your logline below it, remembering that it cannot be more than 75 words.

Incidentally, I’ve seen a few entries here that just said ‘YA’ on the genre line--YA is not a genre, folks, it’s an age category. (And on top of the fact that it can help people when critiquing your logline to know the genre, you’d better know what your genre is if you’re querying agents!) :)

The age category must be either ‘Adult’ (or New Adult), ‘YA’ or ‘MG’. Although I will keep the critique session open for comments all week (and it may take me a few days to get through all of them myself), I will make certain to give feedback on the Adult ones first, and encourage the other participants to do the same. This is because the Adult submissions for Baker’s Dozen are this coming Tuesday and Thursday, while the YA and MG authors have a little more time to whip their loglines into shape.

I will email the entrants whose loglines will be posted, and tell them when the critique session begins, which should be Saturday afternoon or evening--it will begin as soon I have thirteen entries and have gotten them all posted on my website. I promise I will give feedback on each entry, and if your logline is posted for critique, please critique a minimum of five other loglines, just as Authoress requests here.

Lastly, if you don’t get an email reply, I'm sorry but that will mean your logline wasn’t selected.

Thanks, everyone!

L.C. McGehee :)


  1. That's so generous! Love this writing community! My logline was already selected so I won't be submitting, but I'll stop by to check out all the fun:)

  2. This is so wonderful! Thank you! I found out about Baker's Dozen a day too late to submit my logline for critique. So excited to have another opportunity :)

  3. Sent my log line in at 0900 Mountain Time (based on the Naval Observatory clock). Can't wait to see if I'm in the lucky thirteen.

    Thanks for the opportunity!
