
Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Fricassee

Happy Holy-Goats-It's-The-First-Friday-Of-October-Already!

First, here's some BAKER'S DOZEN ticklers for you, to keep us all on track:

1.  Submissions for our SECOND LOGLINE CRITIQUE ROUND are this Monday, October 6.  The submission window will be open from 9 to 5 EDT.   The 40 winning entries will post on Tuesday morning for critique.

2.  Reminder:  If your logline is accepted into the round, PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO CRITIQUE OTHER ENTRIES.  A minimum of 5 would be nice.  It's the give-and-take thing.

3.  In case you missed it yesterday, here are our PARTICIPATING EDITORS AND AUTHORS for this year's auction.

4.  We are up to 21 participating agents.  Guys!  That's a lot of agents.  Bidding will be fast and furious.  I will be unveiling these agents SOON!

5.  Baker's Dozen schedule info can be found HERE.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment box below.

Secondly, I wanted to let you know that I am officially drafting a new novel.  Yes, officially.  It happened organically--I didn't strive to find a story, or force myself into literary submission.  The seed was planted, I spent time playing with it, thinking about it, birthing characters, and, finally, plotting.  Then, on Sunday, I wrote 600 words.  Just like that.

When Monday came, I started my firm 1000-a-day schedule.  My goal for completion is January 1.  (Yes, this is how I work.  Firm deadlines.  Finishing a draft in 3 months makes it feel much more attainable.  Plus, I work well with a clearly defined goal.  I will have a completed draft by New Year's Day!)

Thank you for walking through my hiatus with me.  Thank you for drying my tears, affirming me, and, occasionally, redirecting me.  Honestly, I had no idea how long my writing break would last.  I didn't promise myself anything--except that I would not return to writing until I was ready.

The readiness came so much sooner than I thought it would.  And I am sure you all played a role in that!

Also?  Wow!  That thrill of I LOVE THESE NEW CHARACTERS, right?  I feel alive again.  I'm sure Mr. A could attest to my aliveness this week.

So there it is.  I'm among the ranks of the living writing again.  AND I LOVE IT!

See you Monday, dear ones.


  1. Woot! Good luck and have fun with your new MS.

  2. W00t w00t! YAY!!!!

    And it's going to be an awesome novel, too!

  3. I love that "honeymoon" feeling you get at the beginning of your novel too. Glad you're back to writing again. Your brain needed a break!

  4. So happy to celebrate your success with you! Cheers to your new cast of characters! And looking forward to all the fun of Baker's Dozen season.

  5. Okay, not going to say we told you so, but we told you so! The creative process is frustrating, but that's how it works- you may think you're in a slump, but your mind is unconsciously taking in all sorts of information and it get whirled around until it's ready to let you know what's going on (and your conscious self is always the last to know!)

    Or as I read somewhere, there is no such thing as writer's block; it simply means you don't know what to say yet.

    Congrats!!! Wish I could stick to a schedule as well as you do-- that's my one main downfall and I know it. I work well with a concrete deadline, but on my own, not so much!

  6. Congratulations! I envy the ability to carve that sort of a schedule out. And I wince at saying so, because it sounds like excuse making. But reality is that as a write at home mom I have to contribute to the family income, so the paying (i.e. music/nonfiction) projects must take their turn in the roundup. Someday I hope I can focus in a little more.

  7. Congratulations!

    I love deadlines too. Makes working so much easier.

  8. Yay on your new novel! I'm so happy to hear that. And wow, 21 agents?! Awesome!

  9. Whoohoo! New story love. ^_^ I like to push out drafts in about 3 months as well. We gotta have deadlines! They keep me from slacking off.

  10. So happy to hear you are writing again! Best of luck with your new project!

  11. You're all wonderful - thank you so much for all the support!!

    (And DJ, you're allowed to say "I told you so"!!)

