
Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Fricassee

I was encouraged to see all the logline critique this week.  Thank you all for being so involved--so giving.

We've got one more logline critique round coming up on the 21st (submissions are on the 20th), and then BAKER'S DOZEN SUBMISSIONS START THE FOLLOWING WEEK.

How can this be?

Next week I will post our Terrific 21 Agents.  Seriously, this is going to be one heck of an auction.

All good things must come to an end, though, and this is likely our final Baker's Dozen.  (I know, I know.  Your manuscript isn't ready this year, and you were counting on next year.  This doesn't mean I don't love you.  Truly.)  It's just...well, the auction is time-consuming.  Entire-month-of-November-consuming.  And I want to end on a high note, and not keep slogging through until I'm burned out and nobody likes me anymore.  Who needs to read the rantings of a grumpy Authoress, right?

So, yeah.  There are plenty of other opportunities for writers out there--way more than there used to be, back when I started this blog (and later, when I launched the first Baker's Dozen).  And, too, I'm still of the mindset that, in the end, contests are fun and might open a door for you, but CRITIQUE PARTNERS and QUERIES are the the main way to clean up a manuscript and find an agent.

Yes, the queen of Secret Agent Contests stands by the traditional route.  So fear not, my loves.  The tried-and-true still works.

Anyway.  Let's go out with a bang!

And now I'm off to start my Friday (with ballet and contemporary classes!).  I'm 12,000 words into my new WIP (once you pass 10K, it suddenly feels real, yes?), and I'm looking forward to some writing-in-the-beautiful-autumn-weather this weekend.  May you find equal pleasure!


  1. I agree with you Authoress. The contests are fun, confidence boosters, and create opportunity. But there was a time I focused more on contests than querying (which was wrong). I used to think that sending a query was like sending it into a void. But, in the end it was a slush pile query that landed me my agent.
    Best of luck to everyone in Baker's Dozen!

  2. Authoress, I can't wait to find out who you are so I can buy your books, follow your blog and send you a bona fide old-fashioned thank you card via snail mail. I've re-written my log line six times in the last three days, thanks to you, Holly and all of the helpful feedback. I appreciate the guidance so much. Enjoy your Friday, ballet and the joy of creation as your new script unfolds. Thanks again!

  3. Whether you are published or not, you have made a difference in the lives of people. I don't know of another forum as expansive as The Baker's Dozen that has helped soooo many get discovered.


  4. You need to do what's right for your spirit and your career. But why not Grumpy Authoress? Everyone loves Grumpy Cat!

    The community you've built is a superlative place to meet like-minded writers on the same journey. Thank you for all the opportunities.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Thank you for all you do!
    Happy writing this weekend. I have the weekend free as well. Nose to grindstone....

  6. Thank you so much for all the opportunities and support.

  7. As a long time fan, I know your next adventure will be just as powerful. Thanks for all you do!


    Seriously, though, it's a bummer to see the Baker's Dozen go, but I think everyone understands. It's so much work! And 21 agents is certainly a very, very high note to end on!
