
Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Fricassee

It's not just any Friday -- it's the Friday before Thanksgiving.  Which means -- HOLIDAY SEASON HERE WE COME!

It also means that the Baker's Dozen entries will post ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!  And as soon as they post, you'll be able to start critiquing.  (Also, as soon as they post, the agents will be reading.)

So I don't have a lot to say today, other than THANK YOU to all the entrants.  It's hard sending out the winning emails knowing that so many won't receive them.  It's hard discovering, after the fact, that folks I actually know (and even, yanno, like), had entries that we didn't choose.  That's a super stinky feeling.  (I really hate this.)

To all who didn't make the cut this year:  It's one drop in the pond.  Keep writing, keep pursuing other avenues, and especially the tried-and-true "get critique partners, do hard work, and send queries to carefully selected agents".

Thank you, too, for being a part of this blog community.  And if you entered and didn't make it in?  Come and offer your critique.  Because we ALL have something to give to someone along the way.  That's what it's all about.

Reminder:  if you haven't started working on your CHRISTMAS OR CHANUKAH LYRICS, get started!  I'm looking forward to reading your entries.  I've already written one!  (No, I'm not entering.  I'll share it afterward.)

Happy weekend!


  1. Congratulations to everyone who got in! And thanks Authoress for being so encouraging.

  2. Thanks for your encouragement and work! Have the emails already gone out? Cheers!

  3. I, too, am wondering: have the winning MG entries been contacted already this morning? I keep checking my inbox and need to figure out how to move on, if I didn't make the cut. Would like to start that emotional process before the weekend, if possible. Ugh.

  4. Email went out 3 hours ago according to her Twitter account. Shelley, I feel your pain. I'm not in either, but not going to be down about this. There are so many contests and other ways to get work seen. I've had great interest in my query and story in other contests, so it really is subjective. Don't let it get you down at all. Keep moving!

  5. Thanks, Heather. I appreciate your helpful advice and will take it to heart.

  6. Thanks for all your hard work on this contest! I know many writers appreciate all that you do for the writing community, myself included. :) Good luck to all those selected.

  7. Congrats to all who made it in and thanks again foe the opportunity, Authoress!

  8. Looking forward to learning from the posts and the auctions!

  9. @Heather: can you share some other available contests with us? Thank you!

  10. I want to thank you, Authoress, not only for running this contest, but for all you do for the writing community.

    A year ago, I entered Baker's Dozen with a prior manuscript. I didn't get in, but sought your three page feedback. You gave me excellent advice (although, I was probably too hurt to take it all in at the time). I've reread your comments/suggestions over the past year (even as recently as last week), and I've done my best to apply them to my writing.

    This year, I entered my newest manuscript in Baker's Dozen. And I got in!

    Thank you for all the help you've given me on my writing journey.
