
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

First Five Sentences #6

TITLE: The Park Kids
GENRE: MG Adventure

My name is Miranda, and I live in a park.

Not just any old park, mind you. The Park. The finest park this city's ever seen. Filled with gazebos and groves, and lakes, and a zoo even.


  1. Great voice. You nailed the MG voice. I'm just wondering why they live in a park. I would read more to find out.

  2. Yep, this works for MG. I like the juxtaposition of her living in a park (what a bummer) with her description of it (she seems to take pride in it). It's surprising and that would make me read on. Nice job!

  3. Great mg voice. I'd keep reading to find out why she lives in a park.

  4. Nice MG voice! I'm right there in the setting and torn between thinking she's a poor kid or -- maybe not a kid at all. Good work!


  5. Nailed the voice. Great job!

  6. Love this! We don't know if she's poor, child of the park caretaker, an animal or what, but it still sets the scene for me. I want to read on!

  7. A setting builds in my mind, and so does a young character. Good job!

  8. My first impression is that this is told from the POV of an animal, which I find very interesting. I would keep reading. He or she is obviously very proud to live in THE park. Nicely done.

  9. Cool. Sounds like a young MC, definitely middle grade. She (is it a she? Please be a she!) sounds like a spunky, adventurous person writing a journal. The first sentence is very stereotypical of journal. (I am ________ and I live in ________.)

    Has a Boxcar Children feel to it.
