
Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Fricassee

It feels like eons since I've actually written something of substance here!  In truth, I had originally planned to write a sort of wrap-up and guess-what's-ahead during the week before Christmas and New Year's.  But family was visiting, and then illness struck.  As in, my beloved nephew brought a stomach virus with him from out-of-state, and it felled almost our entire family.  (Fortunately my parents made it home before it nailed them.  Can you imagine being sick like that on a plane?)

I think stomach viruses are scarier than zombies.  Or maybe even death.

At any rate, it's January, and the success rate for this year's Baker's Dozen is definitely a high point!  In fact, I will be announcing yet another success story next week.  It's funny, too, because Jodi and I really struggled this year to choose the entries.  We still can't decide whether our critical eye has become more sharply honed, or if we're really just morphing into discontented old crones.  Either way, it's satisfying to see the positive outcomes!

So, what does the year-on-the-blog look like?  Here are some tidbits:
  • We'll have our usual run of Secret Agent Contests:  January, March, May, July, September, and possibly November.
  • We'll have in-house critique sessions, which will be announced as they come up.
  • I'm working on a SECRET NEW SOMETHING to take the place of the Baker's Dozen.  No questions allowed.  :)
  • I also might be working on The Real Story.  As in, Authoress Unveils.  With photos, even.  Not sure about the timing of this, but I'm starting to feel that the time to shed my anonymous skin is drawing nigh.  I welcome your thoughts on this.
As always, I would love to hear your "wish list" for the blog.  Feel free to share below.

Writing-wise, I'm plugging along on my when-will-this-ever-end WIP (close to 78,000 words and still not done).  I've had to (gasp!) reset my end date, so the new target is February 1.  Seriously, this thing is killing me.  I'm trying to work on a revision of another novel at the same time, and you long-timers know that multitasking is not my strong point.  Add editing client projects and All The Rest of Life About Which Authoress Never Speaks, and my January has felt a bit like a chokehold.  

But, hey.  THE DAYS ARE GROWING LONGER NOW.  That "slowly heading toward spring" mentality can be quite a pick-me-up during the gray of winter!

Hugs and belated Happy New Year to you all.  Let's make this year sparkle!


  1. Shed your skin! It's a new year.

  2. I love seeing the success stories, direct and indirect. In my early days on this blog, I was terrified to post any of my own work. I learned so much from reading the critiques.

    I hope you continue with the first lines, titles,or action scene critiques that are not tied to SA contests. Those can be really helpful.

  3. First off, I love puzzles, so stretch out the "reveal" of your identity. I've already figured out that you live on the west coast, so the likely hood of my knowing you is slim.

    Second, I like reading about the success stories.

    Third, the critiques on query letters, first lines/pages and pitches are very helpful.

    Fourth, I know this blog isn't primarily a YA site or for a stories set in the "real" world, so thank you for including us.

    On another note, I was introduced to this site by my friend, Martha Chandler. Ms. A did at least one review of Marty's stories. Unfortunately, she died of an aggressive sarcoma of the heart just after the new year. Please keep her in your thoughts and/or prayers. Sarah

  4. Yes, please unveil! And no need for photos (we're writers, not models), except for maybe a professional author shot. Many writers are private by nature and a few select images of us on the web are enough, imo. Thanks for all you do for the writing community, Authoress!

  5. Huh? I had you pegged on the east coast. Your unveiling had better be preceded by the fanfare it deserves.

    And isn't it wonderful news about BD success stories? I thought the caliber was incredibly high this year. What with the record number of agents participating, something great was bound to happen. I will be sad to see it go!

    Yes, stomach viruses make zombies look like wusses. I live in fear of them, what with having three kids.

    Happy 2015!

  6. I for one would love the skin shedding. Since I feel I know you, and I like you... I'd like to know you on a more personal basis.

    Happy New Year.

    I had two short stories come out in an anthology. And working on an anthology of stories of my own. One book, same family, different time slots.

    and have deadlines for stories April and May for a novella and two short stories - all set in regency which I love - I'm a Jane Austen-aholic

  7. Your word count is astounding! Looking forward to the proposed unveiling. I hope it will be associated with a release date!

  8. So exciting to hear your plans for this year. Not sure how you balance everything so well! Your blog is such a great resource for all of us. Even if I haven't entered a contest, it's so inspiring to see the other entries. Can't wait to see your new ideas unfold (as well as possibly see the real you)! Thank you for all that you do.

  9. I'm excited for this year! Unveil! Unveil!

  10. Hi Authoress,
    I think you should unveil. I always thought that you were doing yourself a disservice by staying anonymous. You do a huge amount for the writing community and you should be reaping the rewards -- name recognition among agents, editors, and publishers, for starters! Who knows what opportunities that might lead to? Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.

  11. Just found this blog. I think I've heard about it before, but I keep missing it. So this time, I subscribed ;).
