
Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Fricassee

Hello, Dear Hearts!

By now I'm sure you've heard of the shutting down of Egmont USA.  It's always sad to watch something disappear, as it were.  But I'm mentioning this in particular today because of Alison Weiss, who will be out of a job along with her colleagues, and who has been a positive force in my blog world for quite a while.

A few years ago, one of our then-teen writers conceived the idea for a teen writing blog, and Write On! was born.  Almost immediately, Alison stepped forward, offering to host a monthly "ask the editor" on the teens' bulletin board.  She was generous with her time and showed a real interest in speaking knowledge and wisdom into the hearts and minds of these young writers.  Now, there are a lot of good people in publishing, and there are many who understand what it means to either "give back" or "pay it forward".  But, truly, Alison's palpable desire to help these young writers--to be there to answer their questions and offer encouragement--was huge.  Editors are busy folks (as we all know).  That she would take the time to offer her expertise to these teens speaks highly of her.

In addition to this, Alison has been very supportive of MSFV over the years.  In 2013, she hounded stalked pleaded with me until I hosted The Adorable Editors Contest, which was a lot of fun.  (Plus we got to see ALL THE CUTENESS!)  And, of course, she was the illustrious judge for our Holiday Song Lyrics Contest last month, offering two delightful Egmont bags-'o-books as prizes.

Behind the scenes, she's been a quiet, positive voice, always offering her support and saying she'd do "anything" for the blog.  Right now, I wish I could do "anything" for her, but she doesn't really need me--because her talent and skill speak for themselves, and I know she'll find her Next Best Thing before we know it.

Alison:  Thanks for everything.  You know I'll be cheering for you as you move forward in your career.

To all the Egmont team:  Thank you for everything you have offered to the world of stories, and best wishes.

And, finally, to all the Egmont authors who will be looking for a new home:  Sometimes it feels like life has kicked us in the face.  May this NOT be a kick--may it be the inciting incident for the REAL plot.  Wishing you all happy landing places.


  1. A teacher at my kids' school is married to one of their authors. She had just done a cover reveal a couple of weeks ago for her latest book due out this summer. She posted yesterday that it won't be happening.

    Luckily her rights return to her but that just sucks for everybody involved authors, editors, cover artists, and all the office staff that it takes.

    Sending best wishes to all those involved.

    Violet Ingram
    Death by High Heels

  2. I was so bummed when i heard this, for the editors and other Egmont staff and for the writers, too.

    Here's hoping all of them find new homes soon

  3. I was really sad to read this. I'd been hoping a buyer would appear, but it was not to be.

    Best wishes for all concerned.

    What a sad day.

  4. Well said, Authoress. Best wishes to all involved with Egmont.

  5. I met Alison at SCBWI Arizona in November, and I agree heartily - SUCH a nice, funny, smart person. I really enjoyed listening to her and learned a lot, and was so sad to hear about Egmont USA. I am certain Alison and the other authors and editors there will land on their feet, but in the meantime, am sending good vibes and this message:
    Buy the Books!!

  6. This news is so crushing. I was hoping authors with books slated for this year could still get them out, but it sounds like there is a cut-off date in there somewhere. I can't imagine how heartbreaking that must be. I'm hoping all those books find new homes and their talented editors are placed well somewhere else. Thinking good thoughts for all.

  7. I remember Alison's kind and helpful words in Baker's Dozen. I'm confident she will continue to encourage authors to realize their dreams.
