
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Another Success Story

In the author's own words:

Hi Authoress,

I’m writing with one of those indirect success stories. You've been a part of my writing journey for more than five years (and through FIVE different manuscripts). During those years, I've had three manuscripts accepted into your Baker’s Dozen contest and two into the Secret Agent contest. The feedback from all was invaluable.

In February 2013, my YA novel, FACING FIRE, was a winner in the Secret Agent Contest. While I wasn't offered representation after that contest, it was the impetus for a rewrite that garnered my agent, JL Stermer, a few months later. The novel is now called BURN GIRL and debuts September 1 from Albert Whitman and Company.

So, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all you've done for aspiring authors. The list of beneficiaries is endless -- far more than those of us who've signed with agents or had books published. I smile to think of the ripple effects in the writing community to this day.

I want to remind writers to keep writing – sometimes it take two, three or more books before we land on the right one. And to keep sane throughout the process, I encourage them to take part in supportive writing communities like the one you so generously created.

Mandy Mikulencak (DurangoWriter)


  1. Congratulations! Great and inspiring news this morning.

  2. Thanks for sharing your journey, Mandy. And BURN GIRL is a fantastic title. I'll keep an eye open for it when it debuts!

  3. I recently looked up BURN GIRL on Amazon and do you know how utterly AWESOME it is to see a book on there written by someone you know? So happy for you, Mandy! Congratulations!!!

    And thank you to our AWESOME Ms. Authoress, who has helped yet another writer achieve their dreams!!!
