
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #2

TITLE: Adult
GENRE: Secret

Foley stared at the name painted on the shop window: Manley and Munion Lock and Key. God how she wished she could scrape off Allison Manley's name. But the way business was going, the point could be moot by the end of the month. Allison had made of mess of Foley's life, but her death still brought in a number of lookie-loos who turned into customers.

Inside, the small lobby felt colder than the parking lot. Foley shivered and nudged up the thermostat. Metal shavings from the key grinder dotted the floor. Sweeping the place could wait. She lifted the walk-through section of the counter and entered the workshop.

Something felt wrong.

Her work area looked find. The bins of wire and alarm system components sat undisturbed. Nothing was out of place. She hurried to the safe, crouched and spun the dial. The lock clicked. She yanked the handle and pawed through the contents.


  1. I'm going to guess mystery.
    I'd thought historical (Lock and Key biz, sweeping, grinder) until I noticed the thermostat and that she'd come from a parking lot.

  2. I'm going to guess mystery.
    I'd thought historical (Lock and Key biz, sweeping, grinder) until I noticed the thermostat and that she'd come from a parking lot.

  3. Thriller

    Whoever got to Allison is after Foley.

  4. Mystery

    Like the greta, I was thinking historical until I got to the parking lot and thermostat

  5. Mystery

    The death of her bus. partner and now something amiss in the store.

  6. Mystery.

    The manner of Alison's death is mysterious, at least to the reader at this point. Plus something "feels wrong" in the shop.

  7. Contemporary, due to the key grinder and parking lot.

  8. Contemporary, due to the key grinder and parking lot.

  9. Mystery, for all the reasons Southpaw said.

  10. Replies
    1. As they both seem to be female, could be LGBT. Modern setting, threatening act has just been committed, also someone is dead.

  11. Mystery.

    I could see it as either contemporary or thriller, as well, but went with mystery because of the creepy feeling (the cold, the metal shavings, the fact that other people are interested in the death) that isn't overly creepy (everything actually looks the same) which would send it into thriller.

  12. Mystery, but it could well be suspense or thriller. Definitely contemporary for obvious reasons.

  13. Mystery
    There's a death involved and it seems like a modern setting.

  14. Mystery.
    Something didn't feel right made me first think mystery.

  15. Mystery.
    Something didn't feel right made me first think mystery.

  16. Contemporary -- Mystery.

    Could also be a thriller, but my first thought was mystery -- something about the pacing and the mention of a death.

  17. Contemporary retelling of the Christmas Carol.

    Or it's a mystery. *shrugs*

  18. Cyberpunk Mystery

    Emphasis on wires plus the mention of a death.

  19. Mystery/Thriller.

    Her partner is dead, someone has maybe broken into her locksmithing business. Sounds like there's definitely something afoot.

  20. Mystery - perhaps Noir?
    The death mentioned at the beginning draws "looky-loos" suggesting they're curious about the manner of death. Although this mightbe contemporary, as others suggest, it seems more likely 50s noir-ish.

  21. Mystery
    The mysterious death of the business partner and something being wrong made me think that.

  22. Mystery/Thriller - I have to admit I've seen this before but couldn't remember the genre so my guess is fresh!
    I think you've done some editing since I last saw it -- seems like you tightened up the opening. Great job!

  23. MYSTERY.

    The whole atmosphere of the passage is mysterious. Beware! Found typos.

  24. Business partner who seemed to die in a way that would bring out the curious, something wrong at the office. Contemporary Mystery/Thriller.

  25. Thriller

    There doesn't seem to be any mystery behind Allison's death, but the scene has some nice dark atmosphere. My thought is whatever is behind Allison's death will impact Foley in a dangerous way.

  26. Thriller.

    It just has a thriller feel.

  27. Mystery

    'Something felt wrong' but nothing apparent, combine that with a death makes it sound like mystery. Slight 50s/noir feel to things too ('look-loos' and the naming style)

  28. Mystery - Seems like the biz partner is also a target, and will probably need to save herself to prove her innocence. Very cool opening, and tone!!

  29. I agree with mystery.

  30. Mystery/suspense. Something felt wrong, and she responds by going to the safe.

  31. Thriller.

    I'm with S.D. King on this one. Whoever killer Allison is still after something and Foley is the key.

  32. Mystery

    Because "something felt wrong"

  33. mystery

    something is already wrong

  34. Hi All,

    This is the opening for Skeleton Key, a mystery/thriller -- and yes, it is also contemporary.

    This has been such a fun contest!
