
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #31

TITLE: Adult
GENRE: Secret

“There’s a funny thing about space,” Laura said, staring lazily over her red boots into the black, “and that’s that it’s big and black, until it’s not big and black, and then it kills you,”

“I’d argue, for those of us without metre thick steel hulls, that the big and black is more likely to be deadly than the… not big and black,” Fio replied, frowning across at her Captain. “I’d also argue that it’s not really that necessary to have so many others onboard. I mean, really, I thought this was going to be just you and me,”

Laura notched her glasses down, archaic things of plastic and glass that didn’t serve much purpose beyond ‘looking cool’ (though they served that purpose well) and raised an eyebrow at the Limb. “You thought that I, a starship Captain, would be carrying out this mission with naught but my ship at my side?”


  1. Sci-fi.

    Spaceship, captain, space references, etc.

  2. Sci fi
    Space, glasses as relics, etc. Sounds like a fun story

  3. Sci-fi/Space Opera

    Space ship and fun voice.

  4. Sci-fi because space ship captain with cute glasses

  5. Sci-fi

    Self-referential tone and archaisms make it more send-up than straightforward, though.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sci fi, but with a fresh, humorous voice and light tone.

  8. Sci-fi, due to Captain Obviouspants! :D

  9. Sci-fi, due to Captain Obviouspants! :D

  10. Sci-fi.
    The references to captains, starships, etc.

  11. Sci-fi. Space, the ship, the captain....

  12. Sci-fi. Space, the ship, the captain....

  13. Science fiction

    space ships.

  14. Comedic Sci Fi.

    A la Spaceballs. Goofy banter, hint of flirting/romance. In a galaxy far, far beyond the mile-high club.

  15. SCIENCE-FICTION, sub-genre steampunk.

    The space, space ship and archaic glasses.

  16. SF

    Could also be space opera but the references to the captain, spaceship make it more SF.

  17. Science Fiction
    For the obvious vehicular and job description reasons.

  18. Science Fiction.

    Because of a female starship captain who wears "cool" archaic glasses and talks to her ship's computer as if she can teach it a thing or two (the captain refers to the ridiculous notion of completing her missions with "naught but my ship at my side" when she's responding to Fio). I concluded that Fio is the ships computer. And because FIO, the ship's computer, would like to be alone with her captain. Sort of reminiscent of 2001: A Space Odyssey, where the ships computer talks to and tries to kill Dave. Those of us who saw the movie, or read the short story, know how creepy that scenario was.

  19. Sci-Fi

    Beginning dialog about space and one of the characters is the ship. Her glasses are "archaic."

  20. Is there such a thing as sci-fi fantasy? Very funny.

  21. Sci Fi - starship captain...very funny. Would read more and this is way outside my norm!!

  22. Sci-fy. It's not recommended to start with dialogue because we, the readers, don't know the characters yet. Give us something about them, show us their everyday life before diving in. Just a suggestion. Feel free to ignore/delete. ;-)

  23. This one's mine, and yep, it's Sci Fi :)
    It's fun reading the reactions to something I've written, too :)
