
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #32

GENRE: Secret

Many things come to mind at the mention of a princess in a faraway kingdom, riches beyond one’s imagination, high towers to sit and watch over the kingdom, and handmaidens to cater to every whim. Princess Rosalinda knows of none of these. She is the sole heir to the throne of Axington, the poorest kingdom in all the land. The highest tower is a mere two stories tall, and her handmaiden acts as chef, stable girl, and herald leaving little time to tend to the princess.

What Princess Rosalinda has that the other kingdoms does not is stunning good looks, long, flowing auburn hair, the color of the setting sun, milky white skin, and a bosom the size of two newborn babies’ heads, which is the envy of every princess within a thousand miles. She also has every prince from the neighboring five kingdoms sniffing around as a mangy mutt sniffs the refuse bins.


  1. Fantasy

    Kingdoms, princesses, milky white breasts? Can;t be real and no hint of mystery.

  2. Fantasy
    Being a princess and the description of Rosalinda all read as fantasy.

  3. Fantasy.

    Princesses/hard to pronounce names/etc

  4. Fantasy.

    Princesses, castles, etc. I suppose it could be a fairy tale re-telling/imagining, but I'm not sure that's a separate genre.

  5. Fantasy

    Princess, kingdoms, castles and such.

  6. Fantasy
    I agree with what everyone else said.

  7. Fairy tale re-imagining (Is that a genre?)

    I'm not seeing any fantasy elements beyond the princess in a medieval setting. No fantasy creatures, etc. But it feels more fairy tale than historical.

  8. Fantasy/humor
    Princess in a made up kingdom. But humor in the 2nd paragraph.

  9. Fantasy/humor
    Princess in a made up kingdom. But humor in the 2nd paragraph.

  10. Fantasy

    Or Historical Fiction - Alternate Universe? Nothing points to Fantasy per se except the madeup kingdom - no mention of magic or dragons. Not sure on this one.

  11. Fantasy

    In that a fictional world containing five kingdoms is created
    That she is poor for a princess but the fairest of them all is interesting

  12. Fantasy. Betting romance/adventure.

    1. Fantasy because she's a princess in a kingdom, romance because she's beautiful and has huge tracts of land, adventure because she's obviously going somewhere, someday

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Fantasy. For all the reasons mentioned before me.

  15. Fairy tale. (If that's a genre.) If not, fantasy.

  16. Fantasy

    So far, all of the setting references appear to be fantasy. However the voice suggests a real-world-modern take on the situation...?

    Random note, comparing breasts to baby body parts seems kind of macabre. Also, of necessity, newborn baby heads are actually pretty small...

  17. Fairy tale, if we are counting it as a genre -- otherwise Fantasy, due to princesses and castles and kingdoms and Captain Obviouspants. Hey HepsebaALHH, I've popped out a couple of those baby heads, and I can swear on all the gods they are about as big as a small house.

  18. Fairy tale, if we are counting it as a genre -- otherwise Fantasy, due to princesses and castles and kingdoms and Captain Obviouspants. Hey HepsebaALHH, I've popped out a couple of those baby heads, and I can swear on all the gods they are about as big as a small house.

  19. Fantasy, definitely. The poor handmaiden!

  20. Fairy tale, I think. Possibly, fantasy elements are coming?

  21. Fairy tale, I think. Possibly, fantasy elements are coming?

  22. Comedic fantasy.

    Ha! Love the image of those "princes like mangy mutts" sniffing after those bosoms the size of babies' heads. Had to laugh.

  23. FANTASY, sub-genre fairy tale.

    What gave it away? I wonder....

  24. Fantasy

    This feels like a fairytale retelling which would make it fantasy. Princess, kingdoms. Love the descriptions!

  25. Fantasy/original fairy tale
    Except for the breasts, this sounds more MG?

  26. Fantasy with elements of humor

    Because of the fairytale theme and humorous description of the princess's ample bosom. I sometimes refer to these types of stories as Fractured Fairytales.

  27. Fantasy/fairy tale. Princesses and kingdoms give it away.

  28. Fantasy

    Princess in a kingdom but it doesn't sound like contemporary, real-world setting.

  29. Fantasy with a re-telling of the fairy tale quality.

  30. This is my entry. It is YA fantasy.
