
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Name That Genre #36

GENRE: Secret

Nothing about this scenario looked anything like tooth collection. No fairy wings, pixie dust, or magic wands. More like breaking and entering. I followed the lead of Mary, a woman I had just met that evening. We pulled into a circular drive, parked in front of this huge contemporary-style house, and walked through a fancy wrought-iron gate into the backyard like we owned the place. Only we didn’t.

“Now pay attention,” Mary whispered. “And don’t touch anything,” she added before stepping into a flowerbed. Standing only inches away from a window, she turned her attention to her phone.

I looked down at my feet. I wore flip-flops, and the flowering groundcover tickled my toes. Had I known I’d be trudging through a stranger’s backyard, I would’ve worn different shoes. What shoes were appropriate for trespassing in the middle of the night?

This is just weird, said the little voice in my head.


  1. This is a tough one. Could be thriller - evil people who prey on the unsuspecting to relieve them if ther teeth. Science Fiction (a gang that pulls teeth to later clone people?)
    Whatever it is, I would keep reading.

  2. Fantasy
    I'm really not sure about this one. The reference to teeth and fairy wings seems like a nod to the tooth fairy and fantasy, but since there were no actual magical elements in the landscape and the mc (at least so far), mystery seemed an equally strong contender -- because of the trespassing. I couldn't think of any other reason to include the tooth fairy-esque references, so fantasy won.

  3. Fantasy.

    Same reasons as Peggy Rothschild, it wasn't 100% clear, but the tooth fairy reference makes this the obvious guess.

  4. Fantasy.

    But the tooth fairy reference is the only reason why I'd say it. Mind you, it's a New Adult, so it could be some kind of Dystopian or Sci-Fi where tooth-collection is important to the world.

  5. Fantasy

    Reference to the tooth fairy, but that could be misleading. It reads like mystery.

  6. Paranormal mystery

    Deciding immediately that it couldn't be the tooth fairy and the fact they were snooping around a stranger's house at night suggested a mystery with paranormal/fantasy elements.

  7. Urban Fantasy
    It seems like it takes place in our world but the pixie dust thing makes me think there are supernatural elements.

  8. My guess would be magical realism: there's the tooth fairy reference that implies fantasy, but an otherwise normal world and normal characters.

  9. Urban Fantasy

    Tooth collection reference.

  10. Urban fantasy

    Backyards and flip-flops say a contemporary setting, slightly snarky protagonist, mention of familiar-trope-style magic (tooth fairy).

  11. Urban Fantasy, I suppose.

    The first two sentences suggest this; tooth collecting possibly some weird initiation rite for the mc? The upscale details of the house feel like realism, though.

  12. Fantasy
    Because of the mention of pixie dust and fairy wings
    I bet they are the tooth fairy, btw

  13. Urban Fantasy. Because I took tooth collection as the goal.

  14. Thought fantasy... a new fairy learning the ropes, but may just be crime thriller. "Tooth collecting" being a euphemism for stealing or making a mafia-style hit.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Contemporary fantasy. Contemporary setting and . . .tooth fairies? A New Adult about tooth fairies? Huh, unexpected combination!

  17. Contemporary fantasy. Contemporary setting and . . .tooth fairies? A New Adult about tooth fairies? Huh, unexpected combination!

  18. Fantasy, maybe urban fantasy. Perhaps they are tooth fairy in training?

  19. Fantasy, maybe urban fantasy. Perhaps they are tooth fairy in training?

  20. Fantasy, maybe urban fantasy. Perhaps they are tooth fairies in training?

  21. Fantasy, maybe urban fantasy. Perhaps they are tooth fairies in training?

  22. Fantasy...maybe? I'm getting a strong contemporary vibe, but the reference to tooth collection threw me off.

  23. Contemporary realism.

    Nothing says fantasy to me. The opening two sentences simply state that the "breaking and entering" has nothing to do with tooth collection/tooth fairies.

  24. FANTASY. And humor as a sub-genre.

    They collect teeth like tooth fairies.

  25. Mystery--They are out to collect teeth, but they are not tooth fairies.

  26. Fantasy
    Hard to tell whether this will morph into mystery or humor?

  27. Not sure

    The mention of the tooth fairy makes it seem maybe UF, but I can't tell if that was a metaphor or not, so I can't put my finger on whether it's spec fic.

  28. Fantasy

    Tooth fairy and fairies put it in fantasy realm for me.

  29. Urban Fantasy

    The MC is apparently breaking into a house under the mentorship of the tooth fairy? I felt that way because she mentions things related to the tooth fairy to contrast what's actually happening. It could be something else and the fairy references were just metaphor, but I can't figure why they'd be breaking in to get teeth.

  30. Urban Fantasy, sort of like fairy tale re-telling as she seems to be the tooth fairy's apprentice.

  31. Fantasy.

    The reference to the tooth fairy at the start seemed to be setting the stage of a fantasy book

  32. Fantasy.

    The reference to the tooth fairy at the start seemed to be setting the stage of a fantasy book

  33. Thanks for all your comments! I thought my genre was MAGICAL REALISM, but maybe it is Urban Fantasy. :D (Just kidding!) My story is about a young woman who gets a job as a tooth fairy, but everything else about the story is realistic.
