
Thursday, June 4, 2015

CP Postings Delayed

I'm weeping into my tea over here.

Okay, not really.  It's too warm for tea today.  But I'm ever so frustrated to announce that the Critique Partner Dating Service will be delayed until Monday.

Reason?  Blogger changed something, and the bot isn't able to post.  Therefore, I've got 79 posts waiting over in bot-land, AND THEY CAN'T MOVE ANYWHERE.

Which means, of course, that I will have to post them by hand.  And that will take a bit of time, which is why I'm giving myself until Monday.

I am so sorry!  This was an unforeseen snag, but rest assured that your critique partner dating can get under way bright and early Monday.

In the meantime, please send chocolate, wine, and someone with a British accent to read Tolkein to me while I work.

Thanks for your patience!


  1. Thank you for volunteering your time and your energy. It is well appreciated.

  2. Aw, don't fret, Authoress! It's not like you hit my motorcyle with your door or anything (tee hee...too soon?)

    Thanks for all you do for us :-)

    1. BWAH!!!!! I think that's the funniest thing I've heard all day! LOL

  3. I'm sorry Blogger messed with you! And volunteering to do this is definitely appreciated. I'm sending bonbons with Liam Neeson over to read Two Towers, will that work?

  4. Ooooh I'm jealous! Liam Neeson could read the phone book to me--if I still possessed one of those ancient relics--and I'd swoon!

  5. I always love informational post which helps us to increase our knowledge. Here found new post which is best for me.

  6. That very best reading of LoTR was done by Rob Inglis, for the audiobooks. I think the only other books he's done are Ursula Le Guin's Wizard of Earthsea books.
