
Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Fricassee

Thank you to all who entered ON THE BLOCK yesterday!  For those of you who might have been waiting for an email confirmation--there isn't one.  You received your confirmation on the screen after you hit the submit button, and before you made your payment.  Rest assured that, if your payment went through, your entry is IN.

A huge thank you to Michael, who has spent the equivalent of MORE THAN AN ENTIRE WORK WEEK'S WORTH OF HOURS on rewriting the code for our submission form, and who was available yesterday to help folks who hit some snags as they tried to enter.  WE WOULD NOT HAVE THIS GLORIOUS SUBMISSION FORM WITHOUT HIM!  And this is the form that we will continue to use for all our Secret Agent Contests and in-house crit sessions.

I will begin reading the entries next week (this is performance weekend for the sort-of-a-big-deal choir I'm in, so my life is revolving around that right now).  I'm already pleased to see a wide variety of genres represented!  Should make for some entertaining reading.

In the spirit of writing and reading stories, I'd like to give a shout-out on behalf of to International Literacy Day, which was on September 8 (but, yanno, it's never too late to advocate literacy).  As the wee girl who started reading on her own at age 4, statistics like these give me pause.  Books have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember (thank you, Mom), and a world without the written word is, to me, unfathomable.

Literacy Day

Something to think about, yes?

Have a glorious weekend, and I'll see you on Monday -- with submission guidelines for this month's Secret Agent Contest!  Woot!

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