
Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Fricassee

I'm sure you've noticed the low activity level here.  Originally, I was going to do a thing or two during December--a holiday lyrics contest and probably a small, in-house critique session.


It felt to just let it all go and give myself a bit of relief from the pressure.  I've been running this blog for a long time (it'll be 8 years in April!), and eventually I'm going to plan an end game.  The archives here are a rich resource for anyone who wants to spend time reading critique in order to sharpen his own writing (and critique) skills.  So when this blog finally goes away, its treasures-of-the-past will remain, and will hopefully continue to help and inspire writers old and new.

Anyway.  December needed to just be...December.  Finished the latest round of edits, took on a couple of editing projects, decided to focus on Christmas.  And my husband.  And possibly the shiny, new "book 2" I'm planning.  (You know what I mean--the fun stage where you're not actually plotting yet, but you're considering all the possibilities.)

Thanks for understanding.  Hope you're finding joy in your daily writing.  (Notice I said daily.  That might not be true for you, so substitute something like regular or scheduled there.  Because writers WRITE!)  I promise we'll get back into the critique in January.  That's always been the crux of this blog, after all--a focus on critique for the betterment of our craft.  We're not flashy, but we get it done!

Sending December hugs and something steamy in a cup.  Or frothy in a mug.  Or sparkly in a fluted glass.  Your choice!  :)


  1. It's hard for me to concentrate on anything in December. Oh, I plod along, but not at the pace of January.

  2. You deserve a break. Congrats to you for taking one. This is the best time to do it. Take time to enjoy the season.

  3. Enjoy your time off! And I say all three! ;)

  4. Authoress, you are among the MOST giving people on the web - thanks for your dedication to fellow writers. Enjoy your break.

  5. So glad you are giving yourself much deserved breathing space. Thank you for all that you do.

  6. A thumbs up! And back to the keyboard.

  7. Trying hard to stick to daily writing. Thanks for the inspiration and all you do. Enjoy the holidays.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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