
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wrap-Up Month

That's really what it boils down to--December is largely a "wrap-up" for the publishing industry.

It's unlikely that your agent will send out a new round of subs this month.

It's unlikely that an editor will buy your book this month.

It's unlikely that anyone is going to start a new project this month (especially in the wake of NaNoWriMo).

It's unlikely that anything will kick off, embark, move forward, or otherwise Happen this month.

Mind you, this industry is a study in exceptions!  But overall, December is more a non-month than an actual month.

Which is actually nice, because I LOVE CHRISTMAS.  So it's nice to slide into the final month ready to celebrate Christmas or Chanukah or whatever is important to you in December, yes?

I'm in a lovely, contented-sigh place right now, just having finished another round of revisions for Danielle's sharp eye, and having absolutely no intention of beginning anything new.

Well, okay.  I'll play around some more with Book 2 ideas.  I may even pull out that Other Novel and give it a read, to see how I'd like to change it.  But Actual, Firm-Deadline Work?  No, thank you!

Unless, of course, Danielle says, "Fix this!"  Because you know how it goes.

But for now, I'm happy to be at this hard-work-finished place.  And I hope that, wherever you are in your personal writing load, you will also come to this happy place some time in the next couple of weeks.  Because having time to take a DEEP BREATH during this season is such a good thing!

I've been admittedly lax here on the blog as well.  I'm evaluating and planning right now, and I'll let you know what the coming year will look like.

For those of you interested in an Authoress Edits critique:

I now have a Premiere Critique slot open for December.  The Premiere Critique is:

  • a detailed line edit of your first 75 pages
  • an editorial letter
  • a guaranteed 1-week turnaround
  • $260, payable in 2 equal installments
Please email me at authoress.edits(at) if you would like to secure this spot.  First come, first served!


  1. Merry Christmas, Authoress! This post filled me with peace and the sense that all I'm doing right now is all I can do right now. Happy writing/reviewing/brainstorming/soaking-in-real-life holidays. Thank you for all your work and for the open writing community you've built.

  2. Merry Christmas and enjoy. Thank you for this sage advice so I don't waste energy sweating over queries. I think I'll tinker, journal, do fun "play writing" when I can (hopefully 10 minutes a day) and get hard core in January. Have a wonderful holiday and thank you for the continuing gift of On the Block!
