
Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Thank you to all of you who took the time to fill out the survey.  The ayes definitely have it -- 95% of you said YES! to another round of ON THE BLOCK, and 83% of you said that either you would DEFINITELY enter this year, or that you were planning on entering if your manuscript was ready in time.  So I'm thrilled to announce our second ON THE BLOCK AUCTION!

(Weirdly enough, it was July 6 last year when I announced the first ON THE BLOCK.  I totally didn't do this on purpose.)


ON THE BLOCK is an auction styled after our beloved and retired BAKER'S DOZEN.  Here are all the details (and some are different from last year):

1.  ON THE BLOCK will showcase 20 first pages.  All genres in all age levels (MG, YA, NA, adult) except erotica/erotic romance will be included.
2.  SUBMISSIONS will be held on Thursday, September 8 from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm EDT.  I will be reading the slush pile and will choose the 20 winners.
3.  There will be a $21 entry fee for this contest.  You may enter no more than 2 manuscripts.  A maximum of 250 entries will be accepted.
4.  The 20 winning entries will post on the blog on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11.
5.  Our PARTICIPATING AGENTS will then begin to read the entries and decide which ones they want to bid on.
6.  On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, the bidding will begin! Each entry will be ON THE BLOCK for EXACTLY 10 MINUTES.  At the end of each 10-minute segment, bidding will close, and bidding on the next entry will commence.  THIS WILL BE FUN AND EASY, because everyone will only have to watch the bidding on ONE ITEM AT A TIME!
7.  Entries will go to the highest bidder (a full request).

Precise submission instructions will post closer to the submission date.  The basics are:  You will need A LOGLINE and YOUR FIRST 250 WORDS.

NOTE:  If yours was one of the 24 entries featured on last year's ON THE BLOCK, you MAY NOT enter the same manuscript this year. However, you may enter a different manuscript.  You must be unagented, and your entry must be FINISHED and POLISHED.  (In other words, if you know you wouldn't let an agent read it right now, then please don't enter.)

The YESES are already coming in from agents, so we're on a roll.

Questions?  Ask them below!  I'll do my best to work out all the kinks as quickly as possible.


  1. Woohoo!! Thanks a million Authoress and Agents. Can't wait.

  2. Yay! After taking a year off from writing, I'm so happy to find this blog - and it's super contests - is still here. Thank you, Authoress!

  3. I wish I had a manuscript ready. I look forward to reading the entries. Thank you Authoress for all you do, especially your encouragement! Keep up the great writing!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Are the entries open to picture books too?

    1. Sadly, no. The participating agents represent middle grade and up.

  6. How does one pay for this? Is Paypal the only option?

    1. If you don't have a Paypal account, Paypal will give you the option to simply pay with a credit card (you will not have to create a Paypal account to do this).

      The submission form is linked directly to the Paypal payments (including non-Paypal credit purchases), so that is the only way I can accept payment for the contest.
