
Wednesday, July 20, 2016


You may be flitting around the outskirts of the hullaballoo, wondering if ON THE BLOCK is something you want to consider entering in September.  Here's a breakdown of exactly what it is, to help you determine whether this high-energy auction is for you!

  1. ON THE BLOCK is an AUCTION.  In other words, if your entry is among the 20 entries chosen for the contest, the participating agents will be PLACING BIDS if they like what they see.
  2. BIDS = requests for pages.  Agents may start their bids at 5 pages and go as high as a full (which trumps all).
  3. In order to be ready to submit, you must:
    • Have a COMPLETED, POLISHED, AGENT-READY manuscript
    • Have a solid LOGLINE for your story
    • NOT be currently agented
  4. This contest has an entry fee of $21, payable via Paypal.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT; Paypal will give you the option to submit a credit card number without signing up for an account.
  5. This auction is for ADULT, NEW ADULT, YOUNG ADULT, and MIDDLE GRADE novels.  
  6. I'm sorry, but picture books, poetry, and narrative non-fiction are not included.  The participating agents are not looking for these things.
  7. Submission Day is Thursday, September 8.  All submissions will be accepted via our online submission form.  The link for the form will be posted in the official submission guidelines post.
  8. READ THIS POST for more details on the auction.
  9. READ THIS POST for helpful links on writing loglines.
  10. I will be posting the list of our participating agents SOON.  
If you have any questions that haven't been answered here or in one of the links above, please leave them in the comment box below!


  1. can I enter more than one manuscript?

  2. When will you list the agents? I don't want to submit if none of the agents would be a good fit for me. Or is it a "take your chances" kind of thing?

    1. The agents were posted several weeks ago and again last week.

      Here ya go:

  3. Replies
    1. No worries -- lots to keep up with! Make sure you subscribe to the blog. :)

  4. I've been trying for an hour to enter your contest with no luck on either my I Book or my husbands PC. I have tried both of my email addresses: where I get your posts, and Each of these addresses are considered "invalid"?

    1. The first time you enter a contest via the web form, you need to validate your email address. After you've entered your email address on the web form, you will received a message that says, "This email is not verified." To the immediate right of that message, you will see a green box that says VERIFY NOW. Click on that green box, and you will receive an email with a link to verify your email. Once you've verified it, you can continue on with your submission process.
