
Monday, August 1, 2016

Editing Services -- What I've Got For You

It's been a while since I've posted the details about Authoress Edits.

Here's what's available to you:

1.  30-page Critique

This is a detailed line edit of the first 30 pages of your completed manuscript.  NO FIRST DRAFTS, PLEASE.*  Your critique package includes an editorial letter, and your project will be completed according to your position in the queue.  Normally that's about 1 month.  $95

2.  First 3-page Peek

This is a detailed line edit of your first 3 pages, to give you an idea of why your opening works--or why it doesn't.  Includes a brief editorial letter.  $18.

3.  Premiere Critique -- NOW AVAILABLE FOR AUGUST!

This is a detailed line edit of the first 75 pages of your completed manuscript.  NO FIRST DRAFTS, PLEASE. *  Your critique package includes an editorial letter and a guaranteed 1-week turnaround.  $260

Please note:  I ONLY offer these spots once a month or so.  Please pay attention to the blog, my Twitter feed, and my Authoress Edits Facebook page for announcements.

4.  Full Manuscript Critique

This is on a per-project basis, and I will only consider the following:  FANTASY (MG, YA, or adult), SCIENCE FICTION (MG or YA), SPECULATIVE FICTION (YA or adult), YA Contemporary, YA or MG Historical.

If you are interested in any of the above, please email me at authoress.edits(at)  The PREMIERE CRITIQUE slot will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

* You should never pay money to anyone for a critique of a first draft.  Not ever.  Let it sit, revise it, then have others read the second draft to see where you're at.  Once you're feeling like your work is polished but ready for the next step, THEN email me!  :)

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