
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Name That Genre #13


“For Luminaria!” Ren shouted, bursting out of the forest that surrounded the Queendom of Luminaria, a mythical land that only existed in the heads of those who worked at the Renaissance Faire.

With the shouted battle cry of her Queendom, Ren left behind the trees that towered up like fierce monsters or great protectors, diving into the mass of faire folk that were gathering. The fair folk paid the young princess no mind as she charged through the clearing with her wooden sword drawn.
The faire was busy setting up in a giant, dusty clearing, speckled with grass and dirt. Magic sung along in the air, tingling against her skin as she ran as fast as she could, side stepping people here and the invisible Pegasus just learning to fly, there. She kicked up dirt under her feet and left clear tracks behind as she let the noise of the faire surround her.



    You have the foundation for fantasy, but you imply it's not real. That could go two ways: stay imaginary or become very real. I get the impression of something like Bridge to Terabithia though, where it's more imaginative and about friendships.

  2. Contemporary. This line makes me think the MC is playing out things in her imagination "a mythical land that only existed in the heads of those who worked at the Renaissance Faire".

  3. Fantasy. I know there's a make-believe element at the beginning, but I'm guessing this is going to lead up to magical things actually occurring in the story.

  4. Contemporary
    that's all I can say for now, but where this goes is unpredictable, a good thing IMO

  5. Fantasy

    It starts out in the real world, but the fact that you immediately tell us it's pretend makes me think the MC will somehow fall into the real fantasy world.

  6. Contemporary!

    I think this'll be a really cute story about a girl's involvement with ren faires. :)

  7. Fairy Tale Fantasy? Is that a genre?

  8. Fantasy. I'm with cbaz on this one. We're told it's just make-believe at the beginning, but... is it?

  9. I can't tell.

    This part is apparently contemporary since it is just people playacting a magical land. But I agree with others that the heavy emphasis on fantasy elements in the beginning could hint that it will turn into a real fantasy later on.

  10. Contemporary. It might turn into a fantasy. But based on this sample the girl is part of a modern day ren faire.

  11. Hey, I'm the author of this one, thank you to everyone who guessed, this was super helpful for me! Genre: Contemporary fantasy
