
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Name That Genre #18

TITLE: Secret
GENRE: YA Secret

On the days when contempt coiled tight around her heart, guarding like a snake against anyone who came too close, Castices would rather be left alone in the dark. The darkness she could forgive. Darkness was loyal and true to its nature.

A sliver of light cracked through her solitude, tracing the wall as the cell door creaked open, widening into a sharp brightness that burned in her eyes. She shrank back, shielding her face with her hand, as a figure shrouded in the folds of his robe filled the doorframe.

Her breath slowed. Her heartbeat stilled. She crouched into herself to keep her place in the shadows. Little good that did.

The sage threw the door wide, straining its hinges, and slid aside for the guard behind him to step in. Castices flinched at the sunlight flashing on the second man’s armor and turned her face away.


  1. Fantasy

    The MC's name, a dungeon, and a sage.

  2. Fantasy or Historical. The name Castices has me leaning toward fantasy.

    Sages and dark dungeons suggest a fantasy world.The evocative writing has a lush feel that matches fantasy.

  4. Fantasy

    Sage, dungeons, and the MC's name all indicate as much

  5. Fantasy. A figure in robes, a dungeon, armored guard. Nice beginning.

  6. Fantasy

    The figure in a robe and the mention of a dungeon cemented it for me. It also really reminds me of The Young Elites

  7. Fantasy. Lots of references to shadows and darkness and the name Castices doesn't sound like a name someone would use for someone who is living in this world.

  8. fantasy
    shadows, robes, a sage, a strange name

  9. Fantasy. It could have been science fiction or thriller/horror up to the point where the sage was identified.

  10. I don't know why I picture this being Superhero/Science-fiction

    It made me think of Suicide Squad somehow

  11. Fantasy

    All the details screamed fantasy to me.

  12. Fantasy. The character's name, the sage, and the cell I can imagine being in a castle.

  13. Thanks for your comments! This is my entry and it is definitely FANTASY.
