
Monday, September 5, 2016

Name That Genre -- WINNERS

Yes, there are 2.  Reason?  The number of votes on our winning entry was substantially higher than everyone else's, which might (or might not be) correlated to the fact that this post was at the top of the list of posts, visible first.

So in order to create a fairer playing field, I decided to also offer a prize to the person with the second highest number of correct votes.

Here are our winners:

#40 THE FALL OF TROY, YA Fantasy
#39 SWIM, YA Contemporary

Congratulations to you both!  To claim your free 5-page critique, please send the first 5 pages of your manuscript, double-spaced, to authoress.edits(at) as an attached .doc file.  Please put NAME THAT GENRE WINNER in the subject line.

To everyone:  Thanks again for making this a HUGE success!  We will definitely do this again.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on what you learned, what was helpful, what was interesting, etc.  Please share below!


  1. Congrats to the winners! That's nice of you A.

    I did noticed that the number of comments dramatically dropped off in the middle. I think some started from the top and some from the bottom and pooped out in the middle!

    I hope all the entrants got some good feedback. This was an interesting 'game'. It got me thinking about my own work and the specific words I use and if they were conveying the right image.

  2. Thanks for this contest and congrats to the winners! It really made me think about those crucial opening lines and just what kind of details to include. What a fun way to get some quick feedback. So many great intros!

  3. Authoress, thanks so much for Name That Genre. It allowed me to get feedback from people beyond my critique group. I deliberately edited out a date and a couple of words to make guessing the genre more fun. Most people named #16 as historical and I was surprised that two people thought it was "modern." Several of the comments concerning the first page of my story were interesting and some writers nailed it as far as what was important for the MC.
    When I received your email on this contest, only half of the entries were part of it and I had to go to your blog to look up the rest. Thus the reason, I think, that the majority of guesses were for entries #40 and #39. But this happens on all of the emails I receive with numbered entries. I entered to get feedback on the first page, not to "win."T Sherry Smith (aka anonymous Sherry)

  4. Thank you to the authors that went back and told us the genres.

  5. Congrats to all the winners! What fun this was! As an aside, I think there were a lot more comments for the entries posted on the latter side as opposed to those posted on the earlier side. Perhaps going forward, you might consider either limiting the # of entries (which is sad, but a possible idea) or at least break up the contest into YA days Vs. Adult days and limit it to 15-20 entries. I think people tended to look at the entries that were in the last 10 versus the first, for example. Not complaining; just observing :) Thanks again!!!

  6. This was a great experience for me as an author. I had always felt meh about my beginning, and this confirmed my suspicions. I really appreciated everyone sharing so we can all get new inspiration. Thanks again!

  7. Thank you so much for hosting this!!

  8. Congrats to the winners! I enjoyed reading everyone's entries. Some great openings! It was fun to guess, and I really appreciate everyone who commented on my entry. Happy Labor Day to all!

  9. Oh, so exciting! Thank you for picking a second winner (and not just because that second winner is me :) Emailing you shortly!

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